Still not convinced a cycle club is for me

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back and brave
Touring cyclists are notorious loners anyway... what do you want to join a club for?


I didn't really enjoy riding with the first club I tried. Went out with another which is more to my liking.


back and brave
Must admit, I belong to a club BUT it's primarily for French language practice. I wouldn't belong to a club otherwise as I do genuinely prefer to ride alone mainly because I can ride my own pace, stop as and when I like, etc etc etc.

I like arbitrary's idea though.

Graham O

New Member
Bigtallfatbloke said:
It would be cool if there was a club geared more towards touring rather than racing....

Perhaps such a club would be called the Cyclists Touring Club? :blush: I would certainly recommend having a look at local CTC groups. They are not all the same. My closest group is a bit too hardcore touring for me and another one is just weird. But the one I go out with is ideal. Go on, try it, you may like it?


Senior Member
Bigtallfatbloke said:
sounds like a plan...I'd rather sleep with a librarian than talk to roadies about sprockets

Especially 'cos they all do that thing where they whip off their glasses, unpin their hair and they are suddenly gorgeous!

bonk man

Well-Known Member
Yeh CTC ..... sounds about right, they are all eccentric........
They also can vary in speeds and club ride policy, some dawdle between pubs [ possibly stopping to brew up by the side of the road using some 1940's petrol stove they bought in an army surplice store] and some are quick and might stop every 100 miles or so for a bit of cake. :blush:

Our club though small does cater for most riding, tt's are the mainstay but the club rides are not chain gangs and always wait for the slower riders. We do a bit of MTB night riding in the winter and members are often off doing audax or road racing or touring.

You might have to try a few local clubs out before finding one suitable, this is the 3rd that I have ridden with and they haven't chucked me out yet:tongue:


New Member
Graham O said:
Perhaps such a club would be called the Cyclists Touring Club? :biggrin: I would certainly recommend having a look at local CTC groups. They are not all the same. My closest group is a bit too hardcore touring for me and another one is just weird. But the one I go out with is ideal. Go on, try it, you may like it?

Indeed they are all different. In my neck of the woods, a CTC organised ride is one where everyone rides to a predesignated point from their various homes, chats for an hour or so and then b*gg*rs off home again. So a CTC ride is effectively a solo ride with a short meet for a cuppa in the middle. :sad:

Like any club for any interest, they're all different. The key is finding one you like that does what you want to do.


Rare Migrant
ChrisKH said:
Me I'd just rather sleep with a librarian. :sad:

"Oh yeah baby, talk Dewey Decimals to me! Mmm, shush me and look disapprovingly!" :biggrin:

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
"I remember when the librarian was a much older woman: Kindly, discreet, unattractive. We didn't know anything about her private life. We didn't want to know anything about her private life. She didn't have a private life."



New Member
I think I will go to a few other clubs and see what their librarians are like.

I'll be honest, whast i want is to learn how to fix anything that breaks on my bike as cheaply as possible. I would prefer it if the group was all female , fit,single and under the age of 45 & into cycle camping/touring trips across countries. Ideally none of them would even know what a sprocket is but would be eager to learn.
The concept of time trials would be alien in such a group, having been replaced by the concept of riding for pleasure.:sad::biggrin:


Über Member
Bigtallfatbloke said:
The concept of time trials would be alien in such a group, having been replaced by the concept of riding for pleasure.:sad::biggrin:

Call the Police there's a madman about.:biggrin:
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