Steves Pan Celtic Race 2024

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Legendary Member
You are not going to believe this one. 😁

Unlike last year, my bike actually followed me to the Isle of Man where the start was. I spent hours in both Frankfurt and Manchester Airport. They were packed solid.

I hired a car on the IOM and the day after arrival I was ferrying riders from the airport to hotels.

The next day was race day and I woke up feeling really rough. Sore throat, itchy eyes, running nose etc. I went to registration and just got worse and worse.

I set off on the TT course 2 hours before everyone else but only got as far as Ramsey (40 km) before I had to stop. I went back to Douglas and spent 2 days in bed.

I eventually got into a hotel at Manchester airport. What a nightmare when you feel so crap and have to try and organise flights and boxes etc.

Landing in Denmark was one of the biggest reliefs of my life.

A week later, I am still not right. I am still coughing great clods of gunk off my chest and feel knackered. But so pleased to be in my own home.
I have decided any ultra rides will be in Denmark from now on. Getting home or being rescued is much easier. Being stuck on an island when you are ill is no fun.

But I am not down about having to pull out. Just relieved to be here.



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All uphill

Still rolling along
Glad to hear you got home OK.

Hoping you soon feel better.

13 rider

Pan Celtic obviously wasn't meant to be for you ,such bad luck 2 years in a row , Give it time and have another attempt 3rd time lucky . I will completely understand if you tell me to go away impolitely


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Glad you're home.

There's a variant of Covid going round, which I caught from son no. 2 two weeks ago. It's meant no 600km audax last weekend, so no Super Randonneur for this year.

Hopefully you'll recover soon.
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