Well-Known Member
does fitting 70mm , 80mm or 90mm stems make any difference to te handling or feel of drop handlebars
does fitting 70mm , 80mm or 90mm stems make any difference to te handling or feel of drop handlebars
Norm you always get it spot on,was looking at the ritchey at £30 maybe only half of that on ebay.As you say not a lot of cash to try things out.
Basically posted to find out other views of the shorter stems,the lbs said not to go below 90mm as it affects the handling of the bike,but as some one earlier stated can us simple mortals really tell the difference?.
I have (relatively) long arms and body, dumpy legs and a large, ahem, gut (I should get a marketing firm involved to look at the way I phrase that!) and found a place to be comfortable.guess i must just have small arms