I am one of the many who have put a shorter stem on my T3 (as well as cross levers to deal with an emergency stop issue - I have poor grip on one hand following 11 ops over 15 years). Since putting a shorter stem on (I think I dropped to 80 or 90mmmm slightly more raised stem) and slightly narrower bars (the 44cm wide bars were way too wide for me being of narrow shoulders & female), the bike has been much more comfortable with me now able to cycle +100km days before I start to have ache issues at the back/spine shoulder joint. It is however, also much more twitchy with the steering, a symptom of narrower bars & shorter stem, something that does take getting used to.
My OH is still on the original stem and to be honest, still has issues even after 6 months. He looks too stretched out and I can't help thinking he would also be better off with a slightly shorter stem, but I would only drop him down 20-30mm. He is on the 60cm T3 and is 6ft exactly.
You may well be better off changing your brake blocks. the stock ones are not great IME and I have fitted were recommended back in September and whilst some may think £24.95 on brake blocks is a lot, being able to stop is much more important to me and I have done over 3,500km on these blocks since fitting them (used in all weathers) and they are still going strong and have plenty of life left in them yet,