[QUOTE 2881095, member: 9609"]I should join you I have been piling on the pounds, I am hill fit and in shape at 12st10, it went over 13st by mid december, then I had two weeks beach hols over xmas where I eat and drank myself into oblivion, have kept the boozing and gluttony up since I got back home and I have just weighed in at a whopping 14st 1 I'm turning into one fat b******. And I'm just about to head up to the supermarket for another 4 pints of stella. and a pudding
May be tomorrow I will start behaving myself and miss out a few meals.[/quote]
No, don't starve yourself.
I'm a bit of a bugger for snacking on crisps, buttery toast, chips, pancakes and chocolate (even though I do't really like chocolate that much!). My cunning plan is to reduce the amount of snacking and change to snacking on fruit, fat free fat yogurts etc and to plan ahead and making healthy nutritous meals in advance.instead of bunging a pizza etc in the oven or getting take away.
I've done a bit of plannning ahead, today I've made a big batch of soup and also a big batch of chilli.