started wearing reading glasses...

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I have been wearing reading glasses for about 3 years. They are 1.25 only. The only time I need them is if I am looking at my tablet or trying to read the labels on food. Looking at my PC is fine and anything else.


Well-Known Member
Maybe something to think about...I was given glasses at age 15. I started at -4.00 at 20 it had progressed to -7.25. I then had laser eye surgery and 7 years later my vision is still perfect. I am conviced that glasses are a crutch and your eyes rely on them more and more, thus worsening the problem.

*Just thinking about that, how the hell can someone go from being fine with eyesight for years, then notice you now can't read tv text properly and end up with a immediate perscription of -4. Maybe there was some mistake there in the perscription thus creating the downward spiral.
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Legendary Member
I started with reading glasses 15 years ago (when I was 43), progressed to vari-focals (which are known as vari-f**k alls in our family as none of us can get on with them) to bifocals which I'm currently wearing. I can see distance reasonably OK but need to take my glasses with me when riding in case I have a puncture or need to fettle something.
:giggle::giggle::rofl::rofl::rofl: Vari-f*ckalls :biggrin: love it.


Thats what i did last year... bought a 99p pair in town at +1.5... they were far too 'strong'... grabbed a couple of pairs of ebay for £3 at +1.25.. still too strong... got three pairs for a fiver off ebay at +0.75, which were ok, but maybe a little too strong (in my ingorant opinion). Then as soon is a got offered a job, I legged it to specsavers for my free eye test and free pair of 'proper' specs, which i guessed would be around +0.5... but no... +1.00. They do look a lot better than the ebay ones though.
Once you know what your prescription is, you can buy them from anywhere. The good thing about ebay is the sheer range of options. Most are crap. But there are some really good ones too. It took me a fair bit of looking around and trying out to find ones I liked, but once I did, they looked fine - as good as any you'd see anywhere. (I got some pretty grisly ones en route, which still hang around as spares, but I'd never wear them out of the house.)


Fast and careful!
I'm in the same boat , had to start wearing bins for reading, my left eye is shot and has been relying on my right eye, got two pairs of Gant polarised posh boy bins ! But have I ever got them when I need them have I hell,
But I could pin point my demise of my sight to a period of two weeks , it is age and the muscles in the eyes age the same as the rest of me has


Middle Earth
...and my eyesight seems to be getting worse, quickly!

Over the last twelve months i've felt the need for reading glasses... just for the tiny writing on the side of a ping dinner, back of a DVD case, CD track listings etc. Any font smaller than about 3mm really. After using cheap reading glasses (+ 0.75), I decided to go to specsavers and get a proper eye test and a proper prescription, followed by a pair of 'proper' reading glasses (+1.00). I never needed specs for computer use as the font size was always big enough to see clearly... but after a week or so of using my new reading glasses, i now definitely need them for computer use too.

Since I'm new to spectacles... I'm completely ignorant. Have i simply realised just how much i need them or have i quickly forgotten how to focus without them???
After I first got my glasses I needed a stronger prescription quite quickly. Saying that I was at college and using them constantly, as they stopped the headaches I got when reading.
In 3 years of studying I had 4 prescriptions, as my eyes changed.
Now I can't read anything other than huge signs, or very large writing, without them!
Edited to add my right eye is +2.5 and my left is +1.5


Rural Quebec
I think you need a good optician to examine your eyes to see if both are the same sight wise and facing the same way (some aren't) and then you can get cheaper glasses elsewhere, a lot of opticians consider their job is to sell glasses. Also after a certain age you should get checked for macular degeneration and cataracts etc. by an ophthalmologist. I am waiting for a pair of glasses that will help me find my glasses, I can't tell you how much time I waste on this.


Legendary Member
NE England
Funnily enough they are of no use to me when looking at a screen, and it's only pages of books that I use them for, with magazines I don't need them.

I had a pair specifically for computer screens when I worked at a computer. The vari-focals worked but my neck felt the strain keeping up with my reading and typing at different levels on the screen, so a simple lens set to the distance I was from the screen made all of the screen in focus with my moving my head.
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