If it's going away and doesn't come back then fine, but I doesn't sound like DOMS to me. I don't think DOMS causes swollen fingers, unless you have really given your hand a workout (
). I have experienced swollen fingers due to cycling, but that was at the end of 4 days of cycling 18-20 hours a day. I'm not sure what the cause was, but many of the riders experienced it, so I didn't worry about it too much.
FWIW the fluid was mostly in my lower legs, feet and noticeably in my hands. I didn't notice thickening of the waist, but I wasn't noticing much. There was none of the typical feelings of DOMS, just exhaustion. There was at least 5 litres of fluid retained (probably more), as my weight was about 5kg heavier at the end of the ride.
My stomach is still pretty puffed up BUT my abs hurt like crazy so I know that's water retention too.
I have had sore abs, and well recognise the feeling of DOMS, but I have never felt "puffy". The water retained in DOMS in intramuscular, which makes the abs feel noticeably harder and firmer. They don't make your stomach puff up. If you are feeling puffy, that's water stored in other tissues but the muscles.
For anyone who's interested or worried/upset because they're experiencing the same new thing after just starting cycling, it's totally normal to retain 4-5lbs of water after you start a new, intense (relative to what you were doing before)
And this why they tell new exercisers to look in the mirror or see how your clothes fit, rather than at the scales. But your case is different, you notice you were getting bigger, rather than seeing it on the scales. I've never experienced DOMS like that.