Start of a Long Road.....

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New Member
Firstly can I just say what a great and informative board this is.
Discovered it last week and have spent most of that time skimming through threads to pick up as much info as possible.

My situation is that I intend to complete a 90m ride at the end of August. Well that’s the target anyway….
Have not signed up for anything and if truth be told have not been on a bike in 10 years, though before that I cycled pretty much everywhere, thought not 90 miles in distance.

Fitness wise I would say I am slightly over weight, but I play 5 a side once a week – Which as anyone who plays will agree is more than enough high impact exercise for anyone.
This past 2 weeks I have returned to the gym – 3 days a week at lunch time, for roughly 40 mins.

That’s the background; this weekend starts the serious training actually on the bike!!

My reason for posting is basically to get some further feedback on issues I need to consider.
From the start of my training I intend to use my old mountain bike – I see that as good as anything to build the base miles up on and around June time to maybe look into improving the equipment based on my experiences.
I have read extensively on here about the other equipment I need to consider and especially the diet information….

Finally based on the above information does a 90 mile ride at the end of august seem a reasonable goal? Have I enough time to prepare?

If the consensus is that this target may be above me – I don’t see it as the end of my plans. My intention is to commit to this sport if come August I can only manage 50 miles I see that as a major achievement….

Thanks for listening!!


Legendary Member
I think you'll be able to do it. It's a decent goal you've set yourself but entirely possible I reckon.

Others will have some very good advice for you but I'd caution against overdoing the cycling to start with and I'd recommend getting slick tyres if you haven't got them already.

Have fun :smile:.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
I would say that 90 miles by August is achievable. Best to build it up in segments 10, 20, 30 miles and without doubt look to change to a more road specific bike whether drop handlebar or hybrid before attempting the longer distance. Can you commute to work by bike as that would certainly help to get the base miles in the legs ?

Prepare for your backside to hurt in the early days as it becomes freinds with your saddle. Invest in some decent pairs of cycling shorts as they will make it so much more comfortable.
Hello, PBL and welcome to the site! :smile: Glad you like us! :biggrin:

If you started out now doing, say,5-10 miles a day, in about two months you should be able to 90 miles in one hit, so, yes, you'll have plenty of time to get fit for August.

If you're going to use your old bike, make sure that it's running smoothly; i.e. brakes are working, the gears change smoothly, the chain is at the right tension and oiled properly, your spokes are firm, and your tyres inflated to 'hard'.

Also make sure that your bike is 'set up' properly. That means that your handlebars aren't too near/far fom you, your saddle enables you to comfortably reach the bars, and that your saddle is the correct height.

Finally you'll the need the right (but not necessarily expensive) clothes.

There's tons of tips and advice here, so get stuck in.

And enjoy yourself. You'll get fit AND enjoy yourself at the same time. :ohmy:


New Member
Its a 20 mile trek to work on country roads.
Was considering once i have reached that stage to get the missus to drop me and the bike to work and i can cycle home one or 2 times a week.

Have also blitzed google maps plotting rides of various distances.

Funny thing is since i started thinking about this it has made the way i think abiout roads while driving. Find myself looking for dips and hills etc....

Sort of mentally preparing.....
Day of work tomorrow and i am leaving my bike into a local shop for a service and the sooner i can get out on it the better....

I agree that i will need something better when i start building miles up.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Good idea about getting dropped off. Don't try to do too much too soon and just stick to it and you will soon find that you can up the distance. Good luck.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Hi Phatbassline

Yep, It's doable.
As FFFF states build up in stages. Try and find a good local loop to ride and if you can, get out and ride 3 days a week. Intially, take it easy and enjoy, don't try and pedal the bike into the ground, use the gears to spin along smoothly. Gradually build distance into you rides. Water should be fine for drinking, don't get wound-up on sports drinks, up to 30 miles should be fine on water alone, though jelly babies are fun to nibble! Have a milkshake or choco-milk/hot choccky as soon as you get back.

Kit wise, if you're comfy on your MTB, then use-it, make sure it's in good running order, bearings-smooth etc. I would strongly advise the following, buy some decent padded shorts, I find the bib-type most comfortable and padded gloves. Buy some decent slick tyres for your MTB and a track pump to get the pressure correct. Shorts, tyres pump worth every penny.
Finally, make sure the bike is set-up properly for you as 90 miles is a long time in the saddle!
This should help.


:biggrin: Phatbassline and :smile::ohmy:

While I composed a long and erudite response, many others have jumped in to say what I was attempting to say, so +1 to all the above !

Another idea for the ride to work is to ride in one day, get a lift back; get a lift in the next and cycle back etc etc ..... then you'll soon be able to do both ways. :biggrin:

Another interesting wee note: you get fit when you are recovering between efforts, not when you are doing loads of effort, so make sure you have proper rest days.

Keep us updated with your progress and look out for Forum rides in your area. Nothing better than riding out with some other folk ..... or so they keep telling me. Must try it sometime :blush:


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Phatbassline said:
Thats a good idea about trying the work journey from both directions! Thanks..

That's how I started many years ago. Cycle in Mon, back on the Tue night In on Thur back Friday and gradually did a bit more and after 4 weeks I went for it 5 days a week and have not looked back since.


Legendary Member
near Hornsea
Welcome aboard Phat. Your target is certainly achievable.
I returned to the saddle about 4 years ago after signing up for a BHF 40 mile ride. Initially i was knackered after a 10 mile circuit, but gradually built up over 3 months & the 40 miles was quite easy in the end.
Only did the occasional commute as it's a min 30 mile round trip for me, with nothing much in the way of public transport, so it was a bit daunting, but if you can get the better half to drop you off part way that should make it much more doable.
Changing to a hybrid or road bike will certainly help & you'll probably up your distance by 50% instantly :smile:

Good luck
It's totally do-able! At this time last year, I thought 10 miles was a long ride, at the beginning of September, I cycled my first 101.4 miles! It helped that I had something to train for, in the form of Amsterdame 08 (see my signature). Once you can do 50-70 without too many problems, you can do 100!


New Member
ianrauk said:
If you are aiming for 90 miles, you might as well go for the magic 100...

Well technically its 87 miles.....
So maybe i could cycle home from the finish line :biggrin:

Not likely considering i drive past my house in the last 15/20 miles....
Will require every piece of strength i have not to just call it a day there :sad:
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