Legendary Member
Have to say, that i control traffic more now than I ever have, ie the minute I glance back and see a vehicle I get a bit wider, swing my arm to 5oclock and downward in a wait there sort of gesture, followed by a thumbs up or a wave, and they are ALWAYS happy to poodle behind me for a few minutes until its decent to pass Particularly at those bollards in middle of road at ppedestrian crossings. Control the road and ride in middle, because I'm not taking the risk by idiots squeezing past when it can be safer 30metres later
Definitely a confidence thing, I will get clipped one day. When this tactic fails, but its been good for me.
Try that in a heavy stream of traffic in London with merging lanes. You can't really control the lane in such a situation unfortunately. I was in a decent strong position in the correct lane initially at the front of the queue at lights, didn't help me. C'est la vie