SSRI Withdrawal

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West Somerset
It's like food. Some people love tomatoes. Personally, I think they're the food of the devil and are only allowed in puréed form on pizzas or disguised in lasagne/bolognase. But there's only one way to find out.

Oh, and you need to give it 3-6 weeks before you can expect to see any results, longer for some. Unfortunately, this means you're dealing with the side effects before it kicks in. Just take a deep breath and stick with it. They do fade, honest.


Hi there,

I have been on SSRI's for almost a decade, with a few gaps in between. I have been on escitalopram, flouxetine, and am currently on citalopram. For me the first two were the worst for side effects and the citalopram fits very well. I do feel tired most of the time, which I think is the citalopram.

Mental health wise, my depression is said to be endogenous (or as in an earlier post clinical). I have become stable in the past and come off my pills, but usually after a few months I have ended up in a deep unrecoverable depression again and need to go back on the pills. The last time I came off the pills it took me nearly a year.

Since my depression started I have also undergone gender reassignment which has also made me much more stable mentally and now have a successful relationship for the first time ever, but I dont think I will ever come off the pills.

Archeress x
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