I am in agony today

Last night was leg night at the gym so we decided to step things up a bit.Leg extensions were first,upping the weight each set (4 sets).then it was Hack squats on a machine,easy enough.Then the bit i hate,Barbell squats but with the bar in front of you resting across your shoulders with your arms crossed (not sure of it's proper name).I find this way to uncomfortable and gave up.So it was decided we should finish off on the leg press machine,I did the following..
200 kg set of 6 (some assisted by friends

150 kg set of 8
100 kg set of 8
50 kg set of 20
No rest between each set and you had to hold the press still while the plates were removed from the press !!!.
Woke this morning with very little stiffness,rode to work about 1.5 miles,easy enough.10 minuets into my delivery (I am a postie) my legs started to seize up on me.Tried as best as possible to stretch them as i walked around but made little difference.The ride home was hard,feel like my legs are bruised.
Plenty of rest now as i have my first club ride on Saturday.