Well that was my first ever proper paid for ride ever

and I even blagged a free pen
First of all thanks to colin for organising getting everyone over to hebden bridge

and sorry you couldnt make it and I hope you are feeling better.
We all met at the market car park and set off just after 9:00am, we all managed to stay together until we reached the first cafe break at gargrave where we had lots of beans on toast related food items, and someone even had a toasted sandwich with salad of all things (you know who you are), and lots cups of coffee and tea of course.
We left gargrave together but we (me, potsy & Skud) stopped to watch a couple of boats going through a lock and at that point we got separated from the rest of the group after which we took a wrong turn and ended up going a few miles in the wrong direction. We quickly realised something was up (due to the lack of other cyclists) and doubled back and got on the right track.
The weather the whole day was excellent

and at this point it got even hotter and I think most people will have a very nice tan.
We made our way round the small country lanes skirting round skipton and onto bolton abbey then up to Keighley where we found the rest of the group at rossis cafe where we all consumed large amounts of burgers and chips and they served LARGE cups of coffee (see potsys pics) and watched the marching in the town center.
The other group set off about 10 - 15 mins ahead of us while we finished scoffing
The final 13 miles from Keighley to hebden bridge started out up hill quite gently then getting steeper and going right up to the very top of the moors so it was a long slog. We all regrouped at the top and did the final few miles down into hebden bridge together.
The stats according to my cateye computer are 63.46 miles and actual riding time 5 hours 31 mins
Skud decided he was going to cycle home rather than get a lift back so I hope you got home ok and you must be mad
Potsy kept getting bursts of energy from somewhere and me and skud would be nattering away and suddenly find him surging off into the distance (I think it is something in his drinks bottle

A big thank you to everyone on the ride you guys made the ride the enjoyable event it was, we did the ride at a fairly leisurely pace (compared with certain people that were riding at warp factor 9, again you know who you are), it was very hilly but everyone managed to get up all the hills and I hope everyone had a great time I know I did and I look forward to the next one