John - I can't remember if Svendo is coming or not but if he is, he might be riding over from Rochdale, depending on where he was on Saturday night. If he doesn't spot this post, it might be worth sending him a PM and asking him.
************************Rendezvous ************************
The forecast is looking really good and from past sunny editions of SITD I can tell you that there could be about 150 riders on Sunday! It sounds stupid, but it can be very hard to spot people or even get close to them in the crush at the start so I suggest that those of us who want to potter round together at about 8 hour pace meet at the back of the crowd, where this photograph was taken from ...
If you don't do this, you will never know whether to slow down to find people or speed up to try and catch them! I mean, can you spot Alun, colly, PaulB, trio25 and longers in that lot!

(I know where they are, so I can.)
I'll probably arrive at about 08:45, plonk my bike at the back of that side-street and get one of you to mind it while I nip upstairs to sign on and pick up my card.
Okay, I've trawled through the whole thread and there are going to be more CycleChat riders than ever before! As far as I can tell, most of you will try and ride with some of us in the faster or slower groups. Obviously, it is up to you on the day, but I think the groups might look something like this:
CycleChat Slow Train