Latest FB dump in the hope of closing some of my million open tabs..
Elswick Hopper Turbo 12, £95, Holmfirth:
Pushing vintage, but vintage-adjacent Ridgeback Voyager, £300, Teignmouth:
Elswick Stag, £100, London:
Currys Elizabethan (essentially a Raleigh Superb with a few differences), £65, Louth:
Greaves twin-tube road bike, £750, Middlesbrough (wheelbase and head tube angle make it look both midly comedic and terrifying):
Elswick Hopper Turbo 12, £95, Holmfirth:
Pushing vintage, but vintage-adjacent Ridgeback Voyager, £300, Teignmouth:
Elswick Stag, £100, London:
Currys Elizabethan (essentially a Raleigh Superb with a few differences), £65, Louth:
Greaves twin-tube road bike, £750, Middlesbrough (wheelbase and head tube angle make it look both midly comedic and terrifying):