Company makes the miles pass quicker I always findAwww, thanks guys, for all the advice and encouragement, will do as you have all advised and enjoy it.
I won't be completely on my own, hubby will be doing it with me. He is pretty good at riding at my pace, even though he can easily do 18mph.
I am stubborn and determined, and will keep my training up.
I guess I was just checking that there was no time cut off where they say you must finish by.
Some of the comments about the super speedy made me smile.

I've only done some of the Evans Cycles events (well organised and cheap BTW) and the information simply said to start between 8:30am and 10am and the centre closed at 5:30pm, so that could give you up to 8 hours to complete whichever course you were doing. Taking that long for 60 miles is less than 10mph average, so you should have no problems at all at 12mph.