Sportive entry fees - RIP OFF !

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New Member
Too many people appear to be confusing the idea of the sportive with its current popularity and commercial exploitation. Sportives have been around a long time and they will continue to be around if and when the current wave of enthusiasm dies down.

And much as I decry the commercialisation of sportives, I note that some people here seem to simply resent the fact that other cyclists enjoy a different kind of cycling to them, or indeed that cycling in Britain is growing, diversitfying and attracting more people, many of whom have apparently not 'served their time' as hardened commuters, audaxers or track riders.

There's no need to put up one kind of great cycling experience (like dell's FNRttCs) against another (like sportives). If there are problems with any individual kind of cycling, let's just deal with those issues in themselves and avoid the tendency to one-upmanship and 'my event is better than yours'.

How long do you call long?

The first I heared of Sportives was about six years ago when technology advanced to a stage where each individual's riding time could be monitored and logged.
IIRC, it was called a 'flea' which the rider zip-clipped to their bars.

Sportives in the UK are still in their 'honeymoon period'. Lots of enthusiasm for a relatively new type of bike ride.
And we all know what happens to Honeymooners,,,, they get fleeced by the locals.


back and brave
I'm surprised that something that boils down (as far as I see it) to a simple matter of preference and personal judgement as to value for money has rumbled on for 9 pages with such a the level of acrimony.

Is it not time to call a truce and say 'to each their own'?

...and I don't care who started it! ;)

Ron Keegan

Active Member
Thanks Ron.

Now go and prioritise the TGWs ( Things Gone Wrong ) from the CCs ( Customer Comments ) that make members here and elsewhere think Sportives are "A RIP OFF!" and stop them going on Sportives.

Come up with some 'Temporary corrective actions' and post them back for comment.
Then put into place the 'Permanent remedial solutions' which we agree with.

No. 1 TGW "Too expensive".

Thanks for the advice jimboalee but I'm not the one who needs to be prioritising TGWs etc., because the events I'm involved in promoting don't have significant TGWs and our CCs are over 98.66% positive. Therefore, we don't need TCAs or PRSs. Our customers are returning in increasing numbers, confirming they are happy with what they're getting for their money. And while neither are charity rides (although some volutarily use them to raise funds for charities of their own choice) a significant part of the cash generated by the events is directed to good causes.

Perhaps the way forward here is to get CycleChat members to name and shame the rip-off events and explain why they are not value for money.


New Member
Thanks for the advice jimboalee but I'm not the one who needs to be prioritising TGWs etc., because the events I'm involved in promoting don't have significant TGWs and our CCs are over 98.66% positive. Therefore, we don't need TCAs or PRSs. Our customers are returning in increasing numbers, confirming they are happy with what they're getting for their money. And while neither are charity rides (although some volutarily use them to raise funds for charities of their own choice) a significant part of the cash generated by the events is directed to good causes.

Perhaps the way forward here is to get CycleChat members to name and shame the rip-off events and explain why they are not value for money.

Bloke goes into the Bull's Head. Tastes his pint and says to the barman "This beer tastes off".
Barman replies "If you're unhappy mate, bugger off down the King's Arms... Who's next?"


Does anyone know how much profit an event makes? Has anybody who is disgruntled by entry fee's ever run and event? I would just like the answer to these 2 very simple questions to enable me to consider a post.


New Member
Does anyone know how much profit an event makes? Has anybody who is disgruntled by entry fee's ever run and event? I would just like the answer to these 2 very simple questions to enable me to consider a post.

I'm not even going to bother researching.

Ron says his events are liked so much, any riders who are unhappy can sod off because there are plenty of applications beyond the numbers limit.
And it doesn't matter how bad the Sportives are, there will always be some suckers who will hand over their cash.

That's how I see it.... you've burned your bridges Ron. An attitude like that makes me for one, not want to ride anyone's Sportive.

Jimbo's final decision. Sportives ARE Rip Offs.

ps 7777 :biggrin:

Good causes.. e.g. The Ron Keegan and Friends Appreciation Society.


Thank you Mr Vice President, I can only assume by your response that you do not have a clue, why is it that everyone thinks that the other guy is earning loads of money, (to coin a phrase) without even knowing the ins and outs of what it takes, in terms of time and expenditure.

You could all possible be talking about a subject many of you know nothing about, if we had some hard facts and accounts then maybe this subject would make sense.


Thank you Mr Vice President, I can only assume by your response that you do not have a clue, why is it that everyone thinks that the other guy is earning loads of money, (to coin a phrase) without even knowing the ins and outs of what it takes, in terms of time and expenditure.

You could all possible be talking about a subject many of you know nothing about, if we had some hard facts and accounts then maybe this subject would make sense.

He didnt get to where he is today by having a clue......yer know :thumbsup:


Squat Member
This thread still rambling on?

The only positive idea lately (x amount of pages on) is to name and shame the poorly run ones/ rip-offs. However as jim has put it, the likelyhood of the shame list denting the sportive is little as the numbers of takers remain high.


New Member
  Surely it's the participants view that most important not the 99% of know betters. If the events the place to be the going rate will apply. My only gripe is with local clashes forcing riders to choose. FWIW i have done the classic the box is ticked, i thought before that entry fees were steep, but when you savour the incredible atmosphere for the first time it was special. Personally i don't see the point in repeating events at those prices. The funds raised if reinvested in the club involved cannot be a bad thing? Seeing some of the bikes and kit on display is the cost that much of an issue to these riders. 


New Member
This thread still rambling on?

The only positive idea lately (x amount of pages on) is to name and shame the poorly run ones/ rip-offs. However as jim has put it, the likelyhood of the shame list denting the sportive is little as the numbers of takers remain high.

If the problems are blatant and ongoing surely only those with a large disposable income and little else would keep coming back.


Squat Member
If the problems are blatant and ongoing surely only those with a large disposable income and little else would keep coming back.

Yes, as jim stated you wont fix the 'problems' as theres too many takers refilling the stocks. Kind of like the reverse of overfishing if fishing were cycling (in this case sportives).


How long do you call long?

Well, La Marmotte in France started in 1982... and I know you have apparently been cycling since before the bicycle was invented, but this is older than a lot of people who are posting on this board, and there are a few scattered around the world that are earlier than this.


I wonder why, riders who dont and have no intention of doing a sportive are so intent on dissuading others from entering them. Mmm.......
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