Remove the cover and access the spoke head.... straight pull spokes
thanks, but im still trying to locate some info on how to remove the end cap. there is not much on the web regarding Oval Concepts wheelsets. many wheelsets use a 5mm hex but on these wheels "Oval concepts 527" a 5mm wont go in and a 4mm is too small, a 4.5mm hex didnt work either. if i try and twist the end cap the whole axle moves.
i cant go too mad on the bike because its not mine and dont wish to damage the wheelset.
Have you tried just pulling the cover over the axle? It looks like it is just piece of plastic cover.
A few - very few - of wheels have small grub screws that locks the cap onto the axle. I am 100% sure that's not the case with this wheel. To the OP, I am pretty sure this is a rebranded DT Swiss hub. Have a look on the DT Swiss Website for lookalikes, but I think our accountant is right, in spite of being in the wrong profession for this kinda thing. It is press fit. Pull harder.What normally happens is that either the axle end accepts a hex key or it is press fitted.
The press fit will be really tight so you might have engineer a puller or get a small screwdriver and try and prise it off by working gradually all the way around.
You then need to find a spoke - I find single Mavic flat bladed spokes easy and cheap to source.