Joe said:
Theres a slight chance I may turn up to one of these as I'm on clinical placement in Crewe for the next 7 weeks. I've never been to a spinning class before...what to expect?

You say good soundtrack...?

Are the saddles torture devices?

just a few pointers then....
the bikes are functional and adjustable for seat height, seat fore and aft and handlebar height.. fixed pedal to the flywheel - hence no freewheeling
the saddles are designed for a compromise for both sexes, but are more 'padded' for want of a better word than a normal road saddle, but use of cycling shorts is still recommended...
the 'work' is an intensity level that you are capable of... if you 'blow out' half way thru and walk off then that's no good to me (or you)

the music is always down to instructor choice

but I do choose it carefully to match whatever simulated ride profile is being conveyed.
the classes are 'short' 45 minutes or so.. and that includes some warmup and cooldown stretching stuff.
It's an ideal opportunity to build up base aerobic fitness as a new starter and as you progress to use a class to try out maybe something you hadnt considered before like a higher cadence or to concentrate on a smooth rhythm that could pay dividends on a hill.....
water or rehydration drink mix .. towel .. and I recommend the
7pm class for yourself initially
that covers a few of the generalities...