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Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
Andy in Sig said:
Bißchen is the one that I have to think about most when writing it.
You know it's now spelled 'bisschen', don't you? I double-checked with my dictionary as I got it wrong in a recent test.


Flim Flormally
rich p said:
Is there a name in German for the B type thingy?

German Wikki:

Das ß (gesprochen Eszett oder scharfes S) ist ein Buchstabe (genauer eine Ligatur) des deutschen Alphabets. Gelegentlich wird es auch als „Straßen-S“, „Buckel-S“, „Ringel-S“, „Rucksack-S“, „Dreierles-S“ oder „Doppel-S“ (Schweiz) bezeichnet. (Es sei jedoch darauf hingewiesen, dass man unter einem „Doppel-S“ außerhalb und zum Teil auch in der Schweiz die Buchstabenfolge ss versteht.)

All the German students in my class at college here (me, two French girls and about 15 Germans) referred to it without fail as a Ringel-S.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Alan H said:
German Wikki:

Das ß (gesprochen Eszett oder scharfes S) ist ein Buchstabe (genauer eine Ligatur) des deutschen Alphabets. Gelegentlich wird es auch als „Straßen-S“, „Buckel-S“, „Ringel-S“, „Rucksack-S“, „Dreierles-S“ oder „Doppel-S“ (Schweiz) bezeichnet. (Es sei jedoch darauf hingewiesen, dass man unter einem „Doppel-S“ außerhalb und zum Teil auch in der Schweiz die Buchstabenfolge ss versteht.)

All the German students in my class at college here (me, two French girls and about 15 Germans) referred to it without fail as a Ringel-S.


Not the Waffen SS, at least!

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
Andy in Sig said:
Incidentally you can type a real one all of your own if you know which number to combine with the Alt key or you can get it in windows from Symbols.
Or if you have a proper computer of the fruity variety you cab just do Alt+S.

I think on the PC it's Alt+233 but that could be something else with an Umlaut, can't remember offhand.

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
Funny you should say that, but my Mac keyboard is desperately in need of replacing, it's been worn out by 6 years of fast and furious typing. Drives me barmy, actually, but we never actually get round to ordering a new one...


I like to think my written English is pretty good (I did get it battered into me when I was at school) but what can let me down is my poor typing skills plus the fact that I rarely proof read my posts (I know, I'm lazy!).


Cycling in the sun
thomas said:
I'm hardly perfect and can get confused with the spelling of some words that have similar spellings. They did think I was dyslexic for a while, but apparently it was some other learning difficulty that I should be over now.

Even still my spelling is bad so I have a spell checker for my browser, so little red lines pop up under most words in my posts ;)

I'm afraid I have always been bad at spelling... I can remember running home in tears after getting 0/10 in a spelling test when I was about 8. If a little red line appears under any of my words I do stop and change it. The problem comes when it says no suggestion... I try different letter combinations and hope that eventually it comes up with the word I want. Sometimes it doesn't and then I leave the word and hope that everyone knows what it was meant to be. Or I try to write the same sentence using another word instead. I even occasionally abandon a post if I get really annoyed with trying to write my meaning without using certain words that I can't spell correctly.

So I apologise if I have offended anyone - I would love to be brilliant at spelling. It took me years to learn how to spell amount ... I wanted to spell it ammought. (I see a red line has appeared under that word:biggrin:)
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