Speed cushions causing problems, watch out around them.

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Burn one in the middle of a motorway and half the drivers on the road wouldn't notice it :laugh:

Perhaps we could burn a thudguard on the hard shoulder and make a direct comparison ;)


About as much relevance as legal requirements for bike lights.

Now, about those horse riders...

People will struggle to see the hazard from badly maintained speed cushions during the day let alone with the legal minimum which the law thinks cyclists should manage with...could you imagine trying to get a car through an MOT with a 4 lumen headlight !


[QUOTE 2869462, member: 45"]
  1. Who are these people you keep talking about who carry on driving/riding despite not being able to see the road in front of them? They need to be reported for driving without due care and attention
  2. The regs are for "be seen by lights", not headlights.

The people you want to prosecute for driving/riding without due care and attention appear to be the same people conforming to the 'be seen by lights'...don't you feel that the law needs to be revised for these road users so they are served properly by it ?


[QUOTE 2869586, member: 45"]The lighting regs aren't there to serve the rider, they're there to make it easier for others to see him.

I'm not suggesting prosecuting anyone. I'm pointing out that you're trying to form a ridiculous argument that it's someone else's fault if a rider doesn't ride at a speed that he can see what's in front of him or doesn't look where he's going.

"These people" are created just for your argument.[/quote]

Light regs are to do 2 things in motorised vehicles...to be seen and to see with, and this has been done to improve the safety of both the vehicle users and those around them. Why are you keen for cyclists to be treated like second class citizens using vehicles which is governed by antiquated and irrelevant laws.

2 cyclists riding down the road, one leading with 4 lumens, one following with 1600 lumens. Car waiting to pull out from a side turning, doesn't register the following cyclist because theCREE user is so bright in comparison.

'Sorry Mate, I (honestly) didn't see you'...the cars and your mates headlight were all I could focus on....

We have seen this argument before, and now much more relevant with most new cars running with super bright LED DRL's

Cyclists need better protecting from the inadequacy of the current laws, and the march of technology making other road users more visible on the road.


I've bolded the clue to this conundrum for you.

Your giving a cycling a bad name Linf, stop, just stop.

You are seeing it all wrong Smeggers. Unifying standards is the way forward as it levels theplaying field....treating cyclists as if we are spethial gives us no credit at all. There is no reasona at all why the standards should not be across the board..Itwould help to reduce the SMIDSY for a start.


[QUOTE 2869693, member: 45"]Linf, can I assume that you don't need a law or regulation to force your actions for everything that you do? Would you blame the state if you were burgled because there's no law to make you lock your front door?[/quote]

We are discussing vehicles on the highway...public spaces where all vehicles are expected to conform to road law. I can't see the relevance in this at all to road law.


Senior Member
Speed cushions. Is that what those things are called...


[QUOTE 2869752, member: 45"]You seem to be going down the bizarre road that means that cyclists can't make it easier for themselves to see the road ahead without being told to.

The lighting regulations stipulate minimum power of lights for what is considered enough to be seen with. It's nothing to do with lighting up the road ahead. For that, you make your own choice.

Or you slow down if you can't see a speed cushion well enough to be able to negotiate it safely. And funnily enough they're designed to limit your speed.[/quote]

It wasn't the speed cushion I was primarily concerned about, it was the potholes around them which are a danger to cyclists....you have managed to argue both sides of the fence...you appear very confused with this one..
What relevance do 4x4's have to this debate ?

The same relevance as yur comparison of a 4 candela flashing light to a Cree T6 - absolutely none

The clue was in the words!

This is easy enough to prove. Put a 4 lumen light on strobe 5ft away from a 1600 lumen CREE light on constant and see which draws the eye more from 100ft

Again an answer totaly devoid of any connection with the original post

I could burn a 4x4 on the middle lane of a motorway and it would be visible, and have as much relevance as your reply


[QUOTE 2869932, member: 45"]Speed cushions are there to slow traffic. Deteriorated Road surfaces are only a danger to incompetent road users. They don't have to be.

Drivers/riders are responsible for their safe progress on the road, and this includes being adequately placed to safely negotiate everything that they come across. Whether they choose to slow down, buy better lights or whatever else to help them with this is up to them. Some of the roads around here are in very poor condition. They've never been a risk to me on however many wheels I'm on, nor to my neighbours.

I'm sorry, there's not much else I can say.[/quote]

There you go again...you try and impose your own personal attributes onto the rest of the population.

The councils have a code of practice for road repairs. This is dictated by central government.....here is some reading for you


If they breach it, then they are liable.

Are you suggesting that they shouldn't maintain the roads to a minimum standard and everyone using that road should just take pot luck ?

Before we know it, road cycling will be a thing of the past, and sales of 4x4 will go through the roof ;)


Openly Marxist


[QUOTE 2870112, member: 45"]I don't know how you've come to that conclusion but as usual you're incorrect.

As I said up thread there are mechanisms for reporting. In the mean time, given the current financial climate, LAs won't be fixing everything overnight and we've got what we've got. You certainly don't need a 4x4 to safely negotiate our roads. Just a bit of care and responsibility.

I'd hope that as you're making such a fuss you've already reported the sites you posted photos of...[/quote]

What 'current climate' ?...without decent roads, industry grinds to a halt. They get more in taxes from road users than they spend on the roads. There really is no excuse, and unless you have missed it.

Government is taking a long-term approach to infrastructure, to overcome decades of short-term decision making and uncertainty in funding, financing and failures in delivery.

Plans include over £70 billion of investment in transport, over £20 billion in schools and £10 billion in science, housing and flood defences.

They have recognised that sticking ones head in the sand does not get the job done, and we as a nation must have a minimum standard of road quality, for cyclists, for car drivers, for delivery vehicles and any others which use the road.

Our population is growing and the UK will be the most heavily populated country in Europe by 2050....Do you expect everyone to walk because you feel the money spent on the roads should be instead spent on something else more worthy ?

Cycling will only grow as a mode if the infrastructure is improved to meet the standard required. Cycling in the uk now is something done despite the gov's efforts, not because of them.
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