flip-up sunglasses
I wear my previous pair of glasses for riding and sports. The prescription is usually close enough. I clip on cheap flip-up sunglasses to help protect my lenses. In the horizontal position they help shade my eyes, and in light rain, they keep my lenses dry. My only problem is in winter riding and fogging up.
After 41-years of single-vision lenses I employed bi-focals. When the time comes, they may work for cycling. I tried progressive lenses and I didn't like the small "sweet spot" for varying distances. And while driving I noticed only a narrow vertical band of focus making periferal vision useless. Also the reading portion was set very high and made walking, curbs and stairs difficult.
So I went to Walgreens Drugs and bought some press-on reading lenses and experimented with their placement on my old glasses. And when I found a position low enough so I didn't notice them in normal use, but high enough to read comfortabley, I took a picture and presented it to the eye-wear place.
They tried to persuade me the line was too low. But I stuck to my guns. They then explained they couldn't make them on site with the division so low and that it may take a couple of weeks. I told them I could wait.
The result? I absolutely love my bifocals and they work very well for me. I have a large panoramic in-focus view, up top, and when I need help to see my watch or read, I can do that too. The split also falls between the computer keyboard and the screen.
The few times I've worn them for biking (while adjusting cables or trying out some new configuration) I wasn't aware of them as they didn't get in the way.
Just my two cents (well, maybe at this point a dollar-89).
Great website! Good discussions! Useful info! Cheers! (As you say.)