special constabulary....

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New Member
If he hasnt done so already, he could take a look at the forum on www.policespecials.com - they have a whole section on recruitment issues and might have some tips on what to do or say during the process.

Their "its the law" section on the forum is also worth dipping into - if only to see the sort of things that they have to get to grips with on the job.


Resting in suspended Animation
Getting community work in areas in Sheffield shouldn't be too bad. Abbeydale, highfield, crookesmoore, burngreave, darnall, areas going east all have south asian, somali and polish communities (have for decades). Going further east in south yorkshire a lot of areas around rotherham have had a second and third wave of polish and other eastern european immigrants. If you don't want to go into sheffield there are plenty of screwed up places in south Yorkshire outside of Sheffield closer to home.


New Member
Ha s he thought of asking them to explain in more detail why he failed and what sort of experience they would suggest?
A lot of the suggestions on here are sensible, volunteer and outreach or charity work.
I used to be in this line of work and would be more than happy to chat through some options with you (or your brother in law if want). PM me and i'll send you my phone no if your interested.



Maz said:
I'm from Sheffield. Areas like Highfield, Heeley, Sharrow, Attercliffe have large Asian (and of late Somali, Chinese and E.European) communities. He might be able to get some community work experience in one or more of these areas.

not to mention firth park/grimesthorpe! :sad:


Legendary Member
BTW my son had his police rejection letter yesterday for similar reasons.
I guess that in order to be accepted you need to have fairly deep streetwise experience in order to put together 4 worthwhile case studies for the app form.
Kirstie said:
Gosh, i'd never thought of it like that. So as a white male you're suggesting it'll be harder for him. We'll he's going to have to do what women have had to do for years - work twice has hard to get the same reward! Hence the voluntary service element...

Watch out lads - a women's libber!! :biggrin:


Über Member
sheddy said:
BTW my son had his police rejection letter yesterday for similar reasons.
I guess that in order to be accepted you need to have fairly deep streetwise experience in order to put together 4 worthwhile case studies for the app form.

There seems to be some kind of trend emerging here. Surely one of you needs to contact Panorama or Whistleblower, you could be one of those people who have had their faces blurred out while being interviewed on a park bench somewhere. :biggrin:


bonj said:
not to mention firth park/grimesthorpe! ;)
Why did you mention it, then?
domtyler said:
There seems to be some kind of trend emerging here. Surely one of you needs to contact Panorama or Whistleblower, you could be one of those people who have had their faces blurred out while being interviewed on a park bench somewhere. :rolleyes:

"So, when did you first realise that you were a white, heterosexual male."
"When I got the rejection letter."


New Member
Colne, Lancs
Sheffield Student Union, or the University itself, probably runs some community outreach programmes in the community, and most probably in the more underprivileged areas. Having helped run such programmes in my job, I can tell you that they're very worthwhile, and employers look very highly on people who've done such work in the process of their degree.
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