SPD tensioning advice

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I've just fitted my first SPDs - M520 - to my road bike (chosen for the double-sided facility) and am experimenting with clipping in/releasing before going for a first ride.

At present I have the clip tension set at its slackest. Should that only mean the foot has to be swung outward with less force to unclip? Or does it also mean it doesn't have to be swung outward as far to unclip?

Do others prefer their tensioning mostly to be at the slack end of the scale?


Legendary Member
Less force only, as long as your foot won't pull out vertically they should be tight enough at first ( this is best done static in the garden:biggrin: )


Legendary Member
Dunno, as long as you can't pull out vertically I spose, my oldest/first set of pedals haven't been adjusted in 8 years and are OK still. (well they were last time I rode the bike, hope to be able to soon)


Legendary Member
Dunno - mine are still on the slackest setting - I've never accidently unclipped or pulled them out vertically so haven't bothered to tighten them up!
Thanks folks - I can see me sticking (pun intended) with the slackest for some time.

Yes raleighnut, I'm practicing statically but in the hallway rather than the garden at the moment. Indoors my amateurishness is even less public! :giggle:


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Don't put them on slackest, the release is spongy and horrible. Do them up half to one turn from slackest - it's easier to clip out and you get a nice firm click when you do.


Legendary Member
I inflamed my ITB/LCL unclipping following my injury, I have them on the loosest on my bikes, however the feel does seem to vary by pedal even in the same shoes (A600 tighter than M520)


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I just leave them at the slackest, but I might try winjim's suggestion to see how I get on with it.

Whatever you do, make sure to adjust the tensions on both sides of both pedals. I missed doing one side of some new pedals and only discovered it when I tried to do an emergency dismount on a steep climb on a forum ride, and realised that my foot was stuck!


Nr Cambridge
I've always gone with the maximum tension that allows me to release quickly without struggle. That has meant maximum tension for me. If you're nervous then start at low tension & only increase if you're having unintentional releases.
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