- Location
- España
Day 19 Fri April 15
Killing Snakes on a Good Friday
I was packed up and leaving when I snuck up to the hatch to return my keys not wanting to face down the nun again. She was on the ball though and surprised me, offering me the chance to stay another night. I passed. I've seen enough.
I had a coffee before leaving town and was amused at just how much talking was going on. Yesterday must have been very interesting! As I was rolling out of town I passed what must be some kind of staging area for the band and participants in the parades. I was amused to see a Roman Centurion stepping out to smoke while yapping on his mobile phone!
I set off and unbeknownst to myself I was going wrong. Purely my own fault. The Via Verde terminated (or started, depending on perspective) in Marchena so I had yesterday's route that went on to the far rest area and I'd plotted a new one this morning and somewhere along the lines I got confused and picked the wrong one! I was supposed to be heading towards Carmona to pick up a marked bike path but instead I was heading off wrong
Paradas was the first little town and I got there just as everyone was gathering for the parade. I had a bit of a look around but I've had enough for now. On I went.
Arahal was next, a town with some very old Roman ruins and what looked like a fine old church from a distance but I couldn't get close to it on the narrow streets with all the people. It was here that I realised my directional error. It only took me about 15km
I set off again on a very long, straight and hot road. This didn't suit me at all so when I came across a backroad……. Can't say no to a backroad, can I?
That connected up to another long, empty road that delivered a headwind to fight against too. At least the road delivered entertainment in the form of numerous long "snakes" of tar used to conceal cracks in the surface. With no traffic to bother me I alternated between avoiding the serpents or trying to run over all of them! Great fun!
More bumpy cross country roads delivered me up to another long straight one this time made interesting by roadworks.
I finally reached El Viso del Alcor (and the bike path) and headed for a rest area or park on the edge of town. A big space with lots of trees it had some picnic tables scattered around. A perfect spot for some lunch. Unfortunately, there was also a foul stink in the air. Hungry and needing food and not wanting to risk not finding more shade I plumped for the least smelly table and ate and read. A horse from a neighbouring field wandered over to say hello. He was curious, but shy. Possibly hungry too judging by the way he was eyeing up my tortillas. I gave him one but he was hesitant.
I rolled on again glad to leave the smell behind but my road was almost pure sand for a while. That was tough!
Seeing markings for a Via Verde I checked my app to see that it wasn't on it, despite CT showing it as a cycle path. It wasn't in great condition but I managed. It brought me towards Alcalá de Guadaíra past scorched plants and dehydrated cacti but also a lot of rubbish. This road is clearly used a lot for fly tipping. I felt uneasy.
I was getting closer to Sevilla but without a campground I was heading to Dos Hermanas where I could camp.
The town didn't make the greatest of impressions being quite busy and not terribly bike friendly but the campground was friendly with a "tent" alley for people in tents.
There's already quite a few cyclists here already.
Now that I've realised that it's Easter the plan is to pass it exploring Sevilla.
Day 19 Friday April 15
Marchena to Dos Hermanas 71 km Total KM 975
Min Meters 32, Max Meters 127
Total Climb 583, Total Descent 565
Min Temp 17 Max Temp 36 Ave Temp 30
CycleTravel here
Strava Here
The Towns Along the Way
Greater Sevilla
Killing Snakes on a Good Friday
I was packed up and leaving when I snuck up to the hatch to return my keys not wanting to face down the nun again. She was on the ball though and surprised me, offering me the chance to stay another night. I passed. I've seen enough.
I had a coffee before leaving town and was amused at just how much talking was going on. Yesterday must have been very interesting! As I was rolling out of town I passed what must be some kind of staging area for the band and participants in the parades. I was amused to see a Roman Centurion stepping out to smoke while yapping on his mobile phone!
Not the most inspiring of roads. And not the right one either!
Maybe I'm getting a bit too laid back

I set off and unbeknownst to myself I was going wrong. Purely my own fault. The Via Verde terminated (or started, depending on perspective) in Marchena so I had yesterday's route that went on to the far rest area and I'd plotted a new one this morning and somewhere along the lines I got confused and picked the wrong one! I was supposed to be heading towards Carmona to pick up a marked bike path but instead I was heading off wrong

Paradas was the first little town and I got there just as everyone was gathering for the parade. I had a bit of a look around but I've had enough for now. On I went.
The countryside is OK but there's snakes on the road!
Arahal was next, a town with some very old Roman ruins and what looked like a fine old church from a distance but I couldn't get close to it on the narrow streets with all the people. It was here that I realised my directional error. It only took me about 15km

I set off again on a very long, straight and hot road. This didn't suit me at all so when I came across a backroad……. Can't say no to a backroad, can I?
That connected up to another long, empty road that delivered a headwind to fight against too. At least the road delivered entertainment in the form of numerous long "snakes" of tar used to conceal cracks in the surface. With no traffic to bother me I alternated between avoiding the serpents or trying to run over all of them! Great fun!
Big, long snakes. (Photo enhanced to do justice to the colours)
More bumpy cross country roads delivered me up to another long straight one this time made interesting by roadworks.
I finally reached El Viso del Alcor (and the bike path) and headed for a rest area or park on the edge of town. A big space with lots of trees it had some picnic tables scattered around. A perfect spot for some lunch. Unfortunately, there was also a foul stink in the air. Hungry and needing food and not wanting to risk not finding more shade I plumped for the least smelly table and ate and read. A horse from a neighbouring field wandered over to say hello. He was curious, but shy. Possibly hungry too judging by the way he was eyeing up my tortillas. I gave him one but he was hesitant.
Dull road or back road? No contest!
I rolled on again glad to leave the smell behind but my road was almost pure sand for a while. That was tough!
Seeing markings for a Via Verde I checked my app to see that it wasn't on it, despite CT showing it as a cycle path. It wasn't in great condition but I managed. It brought me towards Alcalá de Guadaíra past scorched plants and dehydrated cacti but also a lot of rubbish. This road is clearly used a lot for fly tipping. I felt uneasy.
There's always something interesting along the side of the road
I was getting closer to Sevilla but without a campground I was heading to Dos Hermanas where I could camp.
Ahhhhh. Spanish towns! (Enhanced for colour)
The town didn't make the greatest of impressions being quite busy and not terribly bike friendly but the campground was friendly with a "tent" alley for people in tents.
Signs indicated that this was a Via Verde. It wasn't on my map. And this part sure wasn't easy!
But it gets better and now there's olive trees
There were some very interesting trees, bushes and roots. Surreal. Unfortunately, often surrounded with rubbish.
But it gets better and now there's olive trees
There were some very interesting trees, bushes and roots. Surreal. Unfortunately, often surrounded with rubbish.
There's already quite a few cyclists here already.
Now that I've realised that it's Easter the plan is to pass it exploring Sevilla.
Getting closer to Sevilla and the street furniture became a whole lot more interesting! I loved this despite thinking it was completely useless…. until I saw the young lads avoiding the sun
Day 19 Friday April 15
Marchena to Dos Hermanas 71 km Total KM 975
Min Meters 32, Max Meters 127
Total Climb 583, Total Descent 565
Min Temp 17 Max Temp 36 Ave Temp 30
CycleTravel here
Strava Here
The Towns Along the Way
Greater Sevilla