Mrs Spandex is, no doubt, extremely busy looking after you, bringing you tea, I hope, and administering lots and lots of TLC. I cannot assist her in this because I live too far away.
Have you thought about using your computer skills to do the shopping for Christmas presents, food, drink etc on-line, to save her the time and effort?
If you are very good with your hands, perhaps you could wrap all the presents, it can be quite a skilled job
. What about making mince pies, you could buy the mincemeat, and home-made ones taste so much better than shop ones.
Or, you could read the manual that goes with your digital camera, if you have got one. So that at all the parties you are invited to, you can take lots of brilliant photos, and not just of bicycles. (It is often said, that if all else fails, read the instructions).
Joking apart, when you get really bored and frustrated, it is difficult to know what you feel like doing. Of-course you could just rest and recuperate, and get better BEFORE you go back to work. Feel free to ignore all these suggestions.