Sore Gooch

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Legendary Member
I know all about the preventative measures, chamois cream etc.

But once you have a sore gooch, and each ride just makes it worse, what's the best thing to use to repair it?
I have sudocrem, but it doesn't seem to be working...


New Member
Have you tried getting someone to lick it for you?


pre-talced and mighty
Diesel, Zimmers. Works a treat. Rub it in with a bit of TCP..............honest, mate, you'll be sprinting faster than Mark Cavendish.
Deep heat cream has been known to work as well Zimmers.

You evil bugger!


New Member
Err. Stop riding for a day or two? :whistle:

Fiona N

Large Compeed blister 'plasters' - bond to the skin nicely (even sweaty skin) and the surface is smooth and shiny so they don't get caught up in the chamois. I've never used them myself (for this purpose - but I order in bulk when I'm going walking :sad:) but a long distance tourist of my acquaintance swears by them for saddle sores.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
(a) Stop riding
(b) Savlon make a cream which is specifically "healing" - Sudocrem is only antiseptic. I won't pretend to understand the difference.

(c) Leather is a good material for saddles...
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