grey muck is essentially finely ground aluminium powder emulsion from your rims and the only way to get rid of it is to use disk, drum or roller brakes.
I would expect a greater ratio of brake shoe than rim turning to ink, one being alloy and the other plastic of some sort, but I do understand that rims do wear out due to contact with the brake blocks.
On the disk brake front, my juicy 3's chucked out a lot of dust as they wore, but it wasn't as noticeable because below the calliper where the crap falls, there aren't any frame parts to mark with the squidink (tm?).
Take your pads out and gt85 the calliper clean, then put them a back...a mile or so later you will see the dust build up on the calliper. Mind you, rims aren't as easily or cheaply changed as a new disk, so disks still win imho for power and versatility. Just trying to make the road bike as safe as possible.