Something fishy going on at work today

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Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road
Turkeys smelling fishy!

Many moons ago in Oban of all places we went to an Indian restaurant. I ordered a chicken dish and it was abundantly clear that brer chicken had lived its short life on a fishmeal diet. Yeuch!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
We had a fire at work caused by a couple of lads using a coiled-up extension lead to power an electric heater. They were fitting out a large van in the company car park on a cold winter day and left the heater switched on after going back into the building.

I wouldn't have thought of that risk before that happened. I always tell people now if I see them making the same mistake.


If 6 Was 9
We had a fire at work caused by a couple of lads using a coiled-up extension lead to power an electric heater. They were fitting out a large van in the company car park on a cold winter day and left the heater switched on after going back into the building.

I wouldn't have thought of that risk before that happened. I always tell people now if I see them making the same mistake.

Same thing on caravan sites. Always fully extend the hook up lead.
I've seen a couple of them fried over the years.


South Wales
Why do extension reels get hot if there not unwound.

The same reason an electric fire gets hot. Coiled wire wit a current passing through it has that effect.

Obviously, with fires they are tightly coiled and designed deliberately to have that effect. But when it happens in a less tightly coiled wire rat isn't designed for it, then it can heat to the point of melting insulatrion, then you can get a short and possible unwanted fire.


South Wales
We had a fire at work caused by a couple of lads using a coiled-up extension lead to power an electric heater. They were fitting out a large van in the company car park on a cold winter day and left the heater switched on after going back into the building.

I wouldn't have thought of that risk before that happened. I always tell people now if I see them making the same mistake.

I'm surprised this isn't much more widely known.

I have known it for many years, and thought it was common knowledge.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
Yes, similar thing nearly happened to us on a night shift drilling horizontal cores in a shopping centre basement, extension cable got very hot and almost melted, luckily we noticed and uncoiled it.

Once, a pungent smell wafted around the upstairs office. It had people opening windows. We eventually found out it was someone in an office....down the corridor...eating crab :blush: .


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
I'm surprised this isn't much more widely known.
Indeed, those retractable extn leads have had warnings to "fully unwind before use" for as long as I remember.
I have known it for many years, and thought it was common knowledge.
Although exactly how bad the problem is, i dont know. I've deliberately mowed with most of the cable still on the reel - for educational reasons!! - but it didn't draw enough current to have a noticeable effect.


Legendary Member
I've deliberately mowed with most of the cable still on the reel - for educational reasons!! - but it didn't draw enough current to have a noticeable effect.

ditto with my lawn mover, combo of low current and a small law, it takes about 3 mins to mow it!


Heavy Metal Fan
We have had fishy smells in the office before, and until about 4 years ago it was always the same culpret. A lady who brought it tinned mackerel (or pilchards, I couldn't be sure) and microwaved them before putting on toast. The smell was intense; I don't mind the smell of fish but when it lingers around an entire office corridoor for half a day it can be off-putting.

We then had a debate about whether the owners of the office establishment have the right to dictate what should/should not be eaten or heated up in the building. I did have one complaint about 13 years ago when I microwaved a curry for breakfast. I tend to think that where food is concerned, it's anyone's right to eat what they want (apart from Surstrumming or Durian)


We have had fishy smells in the office before, and until about 4 years ago it was always the same culpret. A lady who brought it tinned mackerel (or pilchards, I couldn't be sure) and microwaved them before putting on toast. The smell was intense; I don't mind the smell of fish but when it lingers around an entire office corridoor for half a day it can be off-putting.

Many years ago I worked in a call centre. One of the guys who worked there, let's call him Dave, knew he was getting fired so in advance he put smoked kippers in the intake ducts for the air conditioning at the side of the building.

Nothing much was done initially by management and it turned into a truly horrific smell, spread evenly over several floors.
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