Australia puzzles me. The rabid anti-cycling sentiment seems extra-ordinary - even the Daily Mail in the UK wouldn't publish the insane crap that seemed to be an
editorial in the Australian :
The problem of city cyclists reached their apogee in Melbourne this week when a cyclist was “doored” on busy Collins Street, after a passenger opened a taxi door and a rider crashed into it. Neither the taxi nor its passenger could be deemed at fault because a narrow “bike lane” inhibited the taxi from stopping next to the kerb. The passenger was lucky to avoid serious injury.
When the sentiment is that someone opening a car door cannot be deemed at fault if they don't look then I think you are truly fighting an uphill battle (especially when the passenger exited the cab in stationary traffic).
Australia does seem decades away from Northern Europe and absolutely car obsessed. Surprises me in a country which seems, on the face of it, to view sports and general outdoor activity favorably. I remember seeing a video taken by a reporter of a mother cycling with a child in the trailer and the reporter screaming at her that about her putting the child's safety at risk. Absolutely disgusting behaviour but the report was all about whether the mother should be cycling, not whether the conditions should be made better, or whether some moron of a reporter should really be screaming at vulnerable female road-users whilst filming them from a moving car.
Then again, I have seen some videos of cycling conditions in New Zealand which makes Australia look positively cycle friendly...