Some training tips

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New Member

I am new to road cycling and i am so glad i took the step to get started.

Its open my lungs and got heart racing for the 1st time in many years,i have been riding now for 3 weeks and i would go to say i have fallen in love with bikes again,o ye i had my first spill Wednesday Morning,nobody fault but mine i ride my bike like a ride my Motorbike.(Got to Slow for Corners).
No bones Broken so up and go again.

I have set myself a goal and thats to complete the London to Southend Bike ride for the Sick Children Trust,the reason behind this we have very good Friends whos little Angle was at GOSH for 4 months and they were world class at looking after him and getting him better to stage where he is now in the same class as my son.

Please can i have any tips on training for the 60mile trip and the best kind of training.Food wise my mate is semi pro Bodybuilder so the food he will do.

Thanks in advance



Time spent in the saddle is the best training for a 60 mile ride. Extend the distance you ride every few weeks by 5-10 miles. Sip water regularly. I do at every red light so I don't forget.
60 miles doesn't require lots of food. Stuff some jelly babies, grenola bar and banana in your jersey pockets and have some porridge an hour before you ride.
It's surprising how quickly you will feel 30-40 mile rides become the norm

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Time spent in the saddle is the best training for a 60 mile ride. Extend the distance you ride every few weeks by 5-10 miles. Sip water regularly. I do at every red light so I don't forget.
60 miles doesn't require lots of food. Stuff some jelly babies, grenola bar and banana in your jersey pockets and have some porridge an hour before you ride.
It's surprising how quickly you will feel 30-40 mile rides become the norm

+1 totally agree. Good luck with the ride:thumbsup:


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
Time spent in the saddle is the best training for a 60 mile ride. Extend the distance you ride every few weeks by 5-10 miles. Sip water regularly. I do at every red light so I don't forget.
60 miles doesn't require lots of food. Stuff some jelly babies, grenola bar and banana in your jersey pockets and have some porridge an hour before you ride.
It's surprising how quickly you will feel 30-40 mile rides become the norm
All of the above. It doesn't get any simpler than this. In time 40miles feels like you haven't worked:biggrin:


I know where my towel is
Time spent in the saddle is the best training for a 60 mile ride. Extend the distance you ride every few weeks by 5-10 miles. Sip water regularly. I do at every red light so I don't forget.
60 miles doesn't require lots of food. Stuff some jelly babies, grenola bar and banana in your jersey pockets and have some porridge an hour before you ride.
It's surprising how quickly you will feel 30-40 mile rides become the norm



New Member
Thanks for your help and advice,food advice is great.
I did 6 miles Saturday and its seem it pasted quiet quick,when i was sat at home i though another 4 mile to make the ten miles would have been reachable.
Next time 8/10 miles and keep building from there.


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