Some sort of milestone

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Congrats. Heading towards 3000km for the year. Aren't KM better than miles?

And there is too-hot for cycling. That really never occurs in the UK. When I was living in Australia, I'd sometimes go out around sunset, but Melbourne wasn't humid: that might not work in Thailand, I guess.
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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Congratulations and well done
Mark White

Mark White

Active Member
Congrats. Heading towards 3000km for the year. Aren't KM better than miles?

Yeah - the numbers get higher quicker ;-)

And there is too-hot for cycling. That really never occurs in the UK. When I was living in Australia, I'd sometimes go out around sunset, but Melbourne wasn't humid: that might not work in Thailand, I guess.

Best time is when I get up about 5:30am and get out as the sun is coming up. I really like to be back before 9am so I've got 3 hours which is enough for me right now.

Evening time is okay, and around 5pm will give me an hour or so before the sun goes down. I've not really ridden at night much and don't fancy it for now as there are no street lights off the main routes and there are other environmental hazards like dogs and crap drivers. And it's hotter. In the morning the air can be crisp and fresh, but in the evening the heat still comes up off the roads and the humidity of the day doesn't clear until late at night.

No complaints here though. I've got 3 or 4 months of easier weather before rainy season breaks. Outlook for snow is unlikely :-)
Mark White

Mark White

Active Member
And the next 1,000km have come round in about 10 weeks, which is a bit quicker :-)

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