Some Ebayers! Grrrrr

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Formerly known as djtheglove
What is the matter with cash if you dont want paypal and are collecting it?[/quote]

Exactly right .! I find that the more I communicate with the buyer or seller as soon as the auction is over then, the more smoothly everything goes through.
It's also true tho that there are alot of people out there who don't seem to be able to use ebay at all easily.


I once won an auction and wanted to pay by cheque (no paypal account at the time). Contacted the seller many times for his address and he never replied...but a few weeks later he leaves me neg feedback as a non-payer! Cheers mate!


Maz said:
I once won an auction and wanted to pay by cheque (no paypal account at the time). Contacted the seller many times for his address and he never replied...but a few weeks later he leaves me neg feedback as a non-payer! Cheers mate!

Sadly Maz, payment by cheque's just a pain in the ass ;)
Early on, i used to say on my listings...'payment by cheque also welcome, but please be aware that due to clearance times, i may not be able to ship the item for up to 2 weeks'

Day 1- auction ends
Day 2- Buyer sends cheque (if he's on the ball)
Day 3 or 4- cheque arrives (later if the buyers not quick off the mark)
Day 5 or 6..i've got to get to the bank (and thats a pain in the ass in itself)
5 working days that effectively means 1 week.

Something like 12 to 15 days lafter the end of the auction you can send the item.
13 to 16 days later, buyer gets his item...and then the buyers get shirty cos its all took so long. I a reguar seller, its happened that way too often.

Bogger the cheques...i dont take them as a payment method anymore.

Sounds as though your seller hadnt thought it through, then just couldnt be bothered with it. I hope you negged him..and reported him as a non performing seller.


Mr Pig said:
Sellers can't post negative feedback any more. Not sure I agree with that.
When I got my negative feedback, it was still allowed. Then ebay changed the rule and retrospectively applied it. I now have my 100% feedback reinstated.


Mr Pig said:
Sellers can't post negative feedback any more. Not sure I agree with that.

Ebays done that to protect its reputation...not the buyer (although the buyer does benefit in the long run.
There are more unscrupulous sellers than buyers. People will lose confidence as buyers. Eventually, that will damage ebay if it were allowed to continue.

Yeah, occasionally a buyer can do the dirty, but a seller can (and should) take steps to protect himself, even if he does fall foul of an unscrupulous buyer.
I've sold hundreds of items through ebay, rarey had problems, and never lost out financially, because i always insure the item and/or get proof of postage.
Ebay knows you can do this, its why they've done it IMO.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Mr Pig said:
Sellers can't post negative feedback any more. Not sure I agree with that.

Having seen some of the feedback a well-known bike parts seller has left for buyers who complained, I think it's a good thing.
Night Train

Night Train

Maker of Things
Fortunately I haven't needed to give any negative feedback and haven't received any either.

I did take a cheque payment and kept the buyer well informed of each stage and the ETA for posting.
One time a seller requested a cheque and it was nearly a month before it was cashed. I guess the seller was collecting cheques to make one bank transaction to save on bank charges.


I suspect some sellers are more trusting than others. I once bought a modem, agreeing to pay by cheque as I had no paypal at the time. I posted the cheque and about three days later, the modem turned up and I was happy, left positive feedback and never gave it anymore thought. About three weeks later, a letter from the post office arrived. Why are they writing to me, I thought and opened it to find my envelope, complete with cheque inside it. They weren't able to deliver it. I done the decent thing and contacted the seller, saying the cheque had come back to me. Turns out, he had moved house quite recently and hadn't updated his address on ebay. I sent it to his new address. He had clearly been trusting enough to send the item out without even receiving the cheque, never mind waiting for it to clear.


tyred said:
He had clearly been trusting enough to send the item out without even receiving the cheque, never mind waiting for it to clear.

It's nice when that happens it restores some balance in basic trust I think.

I have had some truly horrific experiences with ebay including the s*** Philip from Bexhil who allowed me to pay £110 cash into his building society account then removed his details from ebay so I couldn't report him to the Police /ebay when he subsequently didn't send the goods.:angry:

I will never forget you Philip :smile:

Mr Pig

New Member
Night Train said:
Fortunately I haven't needed to give any negative feedback and haven't received any either.

I left my first negative feedback recently, sad day. Bought a used Play Station game for my son which didn't show up. The seller refused to refund the money and I had to go through a PayPal dispute. The dispute was settled in my favour and PayPal took the money back off him but it took about two months.

What was really annoying was that we exchanged polite emails about the situation and I explained to him what his responsibility was as a seller and told him exactly how it would go if it went to a dispute, yet the chump still went through with it. He lost his 100% feedback for the sake of a tenner! Silly man.

I have to say though that as a seller I've dealt with some total clowns who deserved negative feedback. I've sold sell, and I'm more picky about what I sell, since that rule came in.


Uncle Mort said:
My big brother lives near Bexhill and he's a right argumentative sod and does karate. Do you want me to ask him to bash him up for you? ;)

if I had an address I'd take you up on that offer :laugh::biggrin:
Night Train

Night Train

Maker of Things
I've had an item that I had sent and the buyer claimed didn't arrive. I made a claim on the post office for a lost item and refunded the buyer. I kept the buyer informed of each step and we were both happy and not out of pocket. It saved my 100% feedback and any risk of a dispute. I don't know if the buyer was lying or not but for the sake of £20 it wasn't worth worrying about.

Now back to the OP.
I drove 70 miles tonight to find this place opposite a tower in a village. The tower was on a cross roads and so there were three possible 'opposites'. None of which were occupied. Not a problem I thought as I had a mobile number. Alas, the chap's phone was off!:evil:
I had to go door knocking to find out if any one knew a nameless man who may have been selling an item located opposite the tower whose phone was off.
Fortunately one neighbour took a guess and phoned a chap who had a yard opposite the tower and found his phone was off. We compared numbers and confirmed it was the same bloke. I then got directions to the other end of the village to knock on a door just past the shop to ask where this chap lived.
I got there but there was no answer so I asked a dog walker if he knew of this chap. He did and assured me that I had the right house to ask at. I knocked again and harder. Eventually a woman in a dressing gown answered the door and called me by my name. Her husband was hobbling down the stairs trying to get his trousers back on.
Not surprised his phone was off, she was rather attractive!:sad:
Anyway, I got my bargain new and unused item and it was worth all the trouble at around the tenth of the new price.:ohmy:

Blott's Mate

New Member
Bought a bike off e-bay. Seller gave me his mobile no. Drove 300miles round trip next day to collect it. Paid cash. Bike was fine. Took in on a long ride the next day. R shifter started playing up. Needed a new shifter unit. I am almost certain he didn't know it had a problem as it was his son's & it looked untouched just a dodgy Shimano 105 that hadn't been used enough to pick fault up. Sent a text to seller. He sent me £40 towards it & was very apologetic. Heart-warming & the fabbest of fab bikes
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