Some advice on Night Cycling?

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mr Mag00

rising member
Deepest Dorset
i slip a smart style light into the adjustable strap at the base rear of the helmet. i have read some bollocks on here but I have to say this takes the crown
Helmets just give you the illusion of safety, most people who wear helmets aren't confident riders.


I agree with FF about the peaked cap. I always wear a baseball cap at night and can use it to prevent glare from oncoming headlamps by dipping my head slightly. You can't make yourself too visible. A good bright front light, correctly set, will "encourage" drivers to dip their headlamps earlier...


Well-Known Member
mr Mag00 said:
i slip a smart style light into the adjustable strap at the base rear of the helmet. i have read some bollocks on here but I have to say this takes the crown

I was asked not to turn this into a helmet thread so you're welcome to pm me WHY you think it's "Bollocks".


Über Member
I fell in love with night cycling through the FNRttC (check them out in the CC and informal rides section). They're the best guys to give tips and the best ones they gave me were:
Layers; distance means you'll dip into cool and warm spots so be prepared.
Lights; put them on and carry spare batteries.
Brakes; make sure they're fresh as darkness can hide things until the last minute.
Food and water; you'll so need it.
Make sure someone knows where you are.
Repair kit and inner tubes; make sure you have them!


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
slowmotion said:
Welcome Andy,

You cannot have too much visibility! Better to look like a prat ( as some would see it) , than be a dead hero , IMVVHO. Hi Viz cuffs are probably a good idea so that you can be seen when indicating turns. Oh yes, a helmet..

I speak as an aged beginner wimp with an advanced sense of his own mortality by the way.

Speaking as an experienced cyclist, there is no substitute for a really bright set of lights. Hi Viz is much over rated, in theory it is a good idea, but in practice many drivers don't look for it and therefore don't see it. The same motorist will look out for a bight light(s) as this something which might do them harm.

As for a helmet, it is a total red hering, wear one if you like the look, but don't expect it to make any difference to your safety, because it won't.

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
If you're going to be doing a lot of night cycling (and it is fun), it's worth investing in a good dynamo system. They're not cheap, but they're reliable and you never find yourself running out of batteries in the middle of nowhere. Mine is backed up by flashing LEDs at both ends.


HJ said:
As for a helmet, it is a total red hering, wear one if you like the look, but don't expect it to make any difference to your safety, because it won't.
Even a vociferous lid-sceptic like you would have problems supporting that stance!

Depending on the circumstances, it might make a difference, it might not make a difference, it might even make things worse, but you write that it won't make a difference? That seems a strange thing to say.

Not that I find it strange that you say it, as you seem to do your best to divert any thread which mentions helmets, however abstractly, into an anti-helmet rant and argument. Sadly, I realise that I've just assisted you in your crusading endeavours.


Velo, boulot, dodo
Good lights (with long-enough runtimes if you are using rechargebles), warm-enough clothing (takes experience, better to be too warm). Flask of coffee.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Keep an eye on your local pound shop. I got an ankle band with 5 flashing LEDs from mine, doubles as a trouser clip. For a quid, it's a bargain. I'm waiting for them to have some more. Not only goes round the ankle, but could be velcro'd to the bike, or hanging from the loop on your jacket....

Plus one for dynamos. And a flask - take plain hot water, then you can make soup, tea or coffee (assuming you have all those with you.) Probably quicker then setting up a stove.

Chamfus Flange

Well-Known Member
Woking, Surrey
All the items suggested above are good (with exception to losing the helmet). In addition keep some contact details and give the person you heading for an intended route map and arrival time. These are even more important if you're doing the run on your own.


Andy OC

New Member
Thanks everyone for your comprehensive replies. I've got myself the biggest Cat Eye lights I could get my hands on and will be also using my slightly crummier flashing lights so i get a solid and a flashing light at both ends. I've also invested in some Hi-Vis armband / cuff things. My pannier's back ends have reflective material on too.

I'll be taking plenty of food and plenty of clothes - as many as are practicable, anyway. Good idea about the flask - no idea why I didn't think of that! I've plotted my service stations out too, so I can dive in there should I need it. People have a copy of my route too.

Thanks again to everyone who has replied; I'll let you know how it goes!



If you are cycling on unlit country lanes, being dazzled by oncoming traffic is a real hazard. You night vision can temporarily go and you lose all contrast between the road and the verge so that all you will see is a bright light surrounded by blackness. To avoid this when a car is approaching look downwards and towards the side of the road until it has gone past to avoid getting temporarily blinded. This is also important when approaching a road summit - when a car comes over the brow from the other side its lights will be momentarily aimed right in your face.


Norm said:
Even a vociferous lid-sceptic like you would have problems supporting that stance!

Depending on the circumstances, it might make a difference, it might not make a difference, it might even make things worse, but you write that it won't make a difference? That seems a strange thing to say.

On average, there is no evidence to show that helmets make a significant difference to cyclists safety. This is supported by data from countries that introduced helmet compulsion laws that showed that although helmet wearing shot up after the law was passed, there was no corresponding drop in cyclist head injury rates.


New Member
Where I cycle, the roads are unlit, so it's important to see as well as be seen. I work on the low-flying UFO principle when cycling at night. I have acres of reflectives on the bike and on me. I also have a minimum of three rear lights and three front lights. One of the best things I have to aid 'being seen' by oncoming motorists is to use an LED headtorch on my lid. It was noticeable, from the first time I used a lid-mounted light, that I was seen by oncoming traffic sooner than when I wasn't wearing it. Lights were dipped sooner. It's also exceedingly useful for lighting up signposts and for highlighting the verge. Plus, if an oncoming driver doesn't dip headlights, you can do a swift and brief direct look to where the driver would be - it grabs the attention. Also useful when there's traffic at a side road - again a swift/brief look at where the driver would be grabs the attention to let them register your presence.

Oh, and at Christmas I wear flashing Santa earrings...

Edit: mustn't forget... always check that your lights are working before you set off. Replace batteries if lights are dim, and always, but always, take spare batteries with you (if you're not running a dynamo setup)


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
My major objection to helmets, it that they make people think that cycling is a dangerous activity, which it isn't. You really don't need to wear one, no you don't, and I strongly object to the bullying attitude of those who keep insisting that we all should. As al78 has just pointed out "there is no evidence to show that helmets make a significant difference to cyclists safety". If you are not convinced try visiting Denmark or the Netherlands, far more cyclist that you see here, and hardly a helmet in sight, although Bell Sport would love to change all that. [rant mode] Cycle helmets are a con! The Emperor has no clothes on! Wake up and see that you are being fleeced!!
[/rant mode]

As for Hi-Viz, it is a good idea in theory, but sadly in practice there are drivers out there who just don't look for it. If you really want to be seen at night (or even in the day) there really is no substitute for a really good set of lights. Of course this doesn't guarantee that you will be seen (some people pull out in front of big red trucks which are lit up like christmas trees, and it pees of the fireman driving it when they do), but it gives you a much better chance...
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