You want something like this:
i.e twin core cable with a 2.8 mm female spade connector and a ring terminal at the front light end, and two 2.8 mm female spades at the rear light end.
At the rear light end, you can use the cable guillotine connection if there is one, but the front connection down the hole in the Edelux has to be a 2.8 mm female spade with heat shrink.
Personally, I pay the £6.40, as the SON loom is better made than anything I'd do myself, and therefore more reliable.
The connectors are best crimped with the proper tool for the specific connector, and they are fairly expensive. A generic multi-size crimper will be second rate, and pliers third rate.
When unplugging, just pull. Take hold of the spade connector itself and don't pull the wire. The connector hole in the Edelux isn't deep enough to present a problem.