Taxi draws up at kerb, taxi driver says we're here... you're not familiar with where you are because you're in a taxi, so you hastily open the door to get out because you do that in taxis, you wouldn't even think to look behind you before getting out on the kerbside.... if anyone is at fault it's the taxi driver, after all he knows where he is and has the mirrors to look to check there isn't a cyclist there- he should have shouted a warning... careful there may be a cyclist, wait a minute....
The passengers' initial reaction was odd though, most people would be horrified and check someone on the ground was OK and apologise even if it wasn't necessarily their fault... after the initial shock they just showed ignorance and deserve the stigma.
The cyclists should never have ridden up the inside of a taxi stopping at the kerb, it's an idiotic thing to do... OK there's a foot wide 'cycle lane' there but that doesn't give her automatic rights over something in front of her... she could hardly get through the gap so she should've gone round it would have been safer and sensible.