Ok, so there's two issues. One is the question of being able to Ignore Soapbox, in the same way as the Ignore list works for people. Admin has already provided a compromise solution to that. Nothing in Soapbox has changed, everyone is free to take part if they want, what's to complain about? The only thing that's been taken away is that the audience has shrunk considerably and if all you want is to show off, well there are other places to go to.
The second issue is the way that Soapbox is perceived and run. FM, it was nicknamed Fightbox back in the C+ days. The whole premise was that it was 'robust' (full and accurate definition pending...) so you rolled up your sleeves and got stuck in. It's had a bad rep for a long, long time and the 'unmoderated' version on here has exacerbated that. My favoured solution, as I've said before, would be to close it down, drag the participants into the daylight and have any discussions/arguments/whatever in the Cafe with a concomitant expectation that the people actually discuss things, instead of endless Left/Right bull-moose bellowing and headbutting. No-one's going to go for that though. The headbangers in Soapbox want to carry on like stags in rut and no-one who habitually hangs out in Cafe wants them in there. So we're stuck with a separate section and it's either modded in full or it isn't. Full modding is a big ask for Shaun and the team, really it is.
Fab Foodie said:
Either do it to Admin via a PM, or do it visibly in the post...the response is usually positive when people are told they've started to overstep the mark. Peer pressure can work.
I wish that was the case. Crackle and I have a mutual friend.
Talks a bit like this. I gave up trying to have any kind of sensible discussion with him a long time ago. There's no point, you just get a tirade of abuse in return. No, I didn't Flag him, it was in Soapbox and his behaviour seemed to be accepted, if not liked. After all, it's unmoderated, so if you don't like it, tough. I don't like walking away from a scrap, but unless you want to respond on equal terms then there's no option. That's the current ethic in there, you can practically smell the testosterone.
I'd quite like to have a robust debate on a few things, but Soapbox, as it is and has been, isn't the place. Whenever I've tried, the same old same old happens and after a while you realise that half the people on the thread are on your Ignore list and it's a complete waste of everyone's time. I don't like Soapbox because of what it does to people, and that includes me. I'm not proud of that and I don't know how it can be changed, but at least it's a damn sight easier to stay away from it now and that's something I'm grateful for.