So when do I get out on my bike

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Thanks guys...I think the biggest shock has been how quickly things have changed. A year ago I was commuting most days and getting out at the weekend (when my legs were able!).

Guess its just one of those things...and I must say that I'd rather spend time with the boy :-)


An Peanut
I find 7am on a Sunday morning a great time to go out. I set the kids up with a movie (4 and 8 year olds), leave the wife in bed to snooze and pop out for 2-3 hours. The kids get their movie, if they are not fighting the wife gets a bit of a lie in and I get to go out on one of the bikes. Other than that it is a turbo in the garage or a mid week blast or two. During summer I get the trailgator out for some family riding, but I have to work hard to get the family involved (promise free cake).


Senior Member
Schedule in a day for a ride let your partner know this is your day but in return let her schedule a day for herself where you be dad and look after the house this way you both get time off to do something you enjoy ??


One of our club members used to get out at 4am everyday for a 2 or 3 hour ride. He started work at 7.30 he was in his sixties at the time.


Senior Member
TBH it's not great but have been working through lunch most days as I've committed to running clubs before and after school a few days a week...maybe I'm stretching myself a bit too far...difficult as I want to give the kids as many opportunities as poss.

You - or the kids? If it's the kids, are you also a runner as well as a cyclist? If you also enjoy running, at this period in your life, where time is compressed, I know this might be controversial, I think that but an hour of running will give you more 'bang for the buck' in terms of challenge than an hour on the bike. (Nothing scientific in that, BTW, just thinking of my own experience - at 55 I've quite happily done a couple of hours on the bike this afternoon - and though I was running a lot at one point in my life, 40-50 minutes running at pace would definitely have given me the same lift that the couple of hours on the bike this afternoon has done). If not, could you take the bike with you and get out for a quick tootle, while the kids are running?
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Tin Pot

I find 7am on a Sunday morning a great time to go out. I set the kids up with a movie (4 and 8 year olds), leave the wife in bed to snooze and pop out for 2-3 hours. The kids get their movie, if they are not fighting the wife gets a bit of a lie in and I get to go out on one of the bikes. Other than that it is a turbo in the garage or a mid week blast or two. During summer I get the trailgator out for some family riding, but I have to work hard to get the family involved (promise free cake).


I was looking to join a club two months ago but they go out too late. I ride whenever I can which isn't much. Evening runs are easier.

Hope to be out at 6:30 tomorrow, back at 8:30



I was looking to join a club two months ago but they go out too late. I ride whenever I can which isn't much. Evening runs are easier.
Hope to be out at 6:30 tomorrow, back at 8:30

There will certainly be members of that club that will want to join you on those rides.

We have a 175 members in our club, sometimes only a few on the club run, the rest are out riding with club mates at other times.
Similar to yourself. I start work between 6 and 7am and can finish anything up to 7pm some days depending what's on. Because of this I'll give up things to spend time with our son.

He loves cycling too which helps. So we often get out at weekends , but for my personal rides I'll do the bed time routine and when he's settled by around 8pm I'll head out for up to 2 hours.

Time of year doesn't matter to me and I have to say I quite like rising in the cold and dark in the winter.
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