So was your divorce worth it?

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No - gave everything away...but I did get to live in Notting Hill for a while afterwards! ;):becool::rofl:



New Member
I never married either. According to a certain person it was outmoded and there was no need for it in trusting, committed couples. I was happy with that. Still am. She isn't.


Senior Member
numbnuts said:
I lost everything except my clothes,
was it worth it, I’m lonely, but well rid of her,
but now I distrust females so I will stay single

same trust theory for some of us females too.


nothing in moderation
still happily married </smug>


some friends of ours (with 6 kids :biggrin: are splitting up after he had been a bit nasty to her and eventually said he wanted the relationship but not the kids (pillock). he's been backtracking ever since and she wants nowt to do with him beyond him doing right by the kids.

i think she should take him back and eat out on the gratitude for the couple of weeks it will last, would surely be better than being a single mum of 6 (who doesn't work). my wife sides with the woman, of course B)
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