Interesting! Just thinking of posting something after today, and saw this thread. It's been a long running 'hobby' of mine to try and work out drivers 'logic', experimenting with road positioning and attire! Pretty certain that 'normal', although colourful, clothes seem to work well, getting less crap passes etc. Still cant master some of the logic though Pleasant enough ride today, but, travelling through a local village on A road, notorious for bad parking, both sides of the road at random! Complete chaos, one selfish driver can, and did, cause a complete jam. Sailed past at least twenty cars, easy peasey! Left the jam way behind, when one of the vehicles eventually caught me up, couldn't overtake immediately, and started sounding horn, and when he did overtake, gesticulated at me to move over. I'd held him up for a few seconds, yet he'd been stuck in the jam for probably five-ten minutes! Can't get my head around that mentality!