Is that a typo? 60 rpm is just one crank revolution per second. Top gear on my bike is 84 inches which works out at 15mph.
I've found that ~60 tends to be around the bottom edge of my cadence power band and ~85 rpm is the upper.
At 60 rpm I'm relying on the strength of my legs to generate a lot of the power, so more useful for short bursts of power out of the saddle.
More normal for me is 70-75 rpm, less strength and more stamina is needed so I'm able to keep going longer/faster as needed.
As I get fitter this may increase to the 80-85 rpm range, at which point I'm on a long tour and very cycling fit.
I tend not to spin much over 95 rpm as it's outside my power band and my efficiency drops, I get tired faster.
One advantage of my 1900% gear range is that I can keep cadence fairly constant over the whole range.
My gears are based of a Rohloff so mostly 13.6% steps.
This is to narrow are the bottom end of my range, sub 5 mph, I could do with roughly 20% steps.
It's about right for the mid range, ~10 mph to ~18 mph.
And to wide for the top of the range, +25 mph, but I do need to be going downhill to use these gears so it doesn't really matter.
Luck ........