So how many recumbent riders have we?

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New Member
It's nice to find some of the old posters from Cycling Plus here.
Thought I'd lost you all!

Still pottering round on my SMGT in the wet wastes of N Wales.
Saw a guy postin somewhere who lived in Llanberis.
Have a great weekend.

This is my first post. I've enjoyed what I've read so far! Have been riding recumbents for a year and although I still ride a DF tourer I find I prefer the bents. Going over to the dark side I s'pose.

Anyway my contribution is a Nazca Fuego and a Paseo. The Fuego in particular looks gorgeous, goes well and descends like a stone! :smile:. The Paseo rides so comfortably, makes a great tourer (alhtough a bit of a lump) but the suspension allows some daft descent speeds on bumpy Scottish singletrack roads.


New Member

I own a couple of RaptoBikes and actually also make them. Ride most of my rides in the Amsterdam area, but have also been to Canada, the UK, France, Spain and Belgium with the bikes.



Hallo, Arnold - Nick of the BHPC here :evil:

raptobike said:
...I own a couple of RaptoBikes and actually also make them...

Jolly nice they are, too - and at a bargain price :bicycle:

Although riders in hilly areas would probably appreciate the addition of a Schlumpf bottom bracket gear - is this an option for lumpier countries than the Netherlands, Arnold?


New Member
Hi Nick,

NickM said:
Hallo, Arnold - Nick of the BHPC here :smile:
Jolly nice they are, too - and at a bargain price :thumbsup:

Although riders in hilly areas would probably appreciate the addition of a Schlumpf bottom bracket gear - is this an option for lumpier countries than the Netherlands, Arnold?

Thanks! Yes both a Schlumpf and front derailer are options. We do have 'lumps' here as well Nick. When I ride to work I have to climb from 6 meters below sea level to 3 meters below sea level ;)



Über Member
Signing with my first post - I own a trusty Streetmachine GT, purchase back in 1999 and still going strong.

The questions I'd like to know are:

How many recumbenteers are there in London?
How many of these regularly commute to work on them?



Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
Hiya Peter, super meeting you yesterday morning! Wasn't that a great ride, did you notice the wind grimace on all the upright riders? LOL, we were like what wind?


Hallo and welcome, Peter :biggrin:

peter_streetmachineGT said:
How many recumbenteers are there in London?
I'm another one...

peter_streetmachineGT said:
How many of these regularly commute to work on them?
But I use an upright for commuting.


BentMikey said:

Well, I don't have your traffic-reading skills, Mikey, so it's more about practicality than allegiance... that and the fact that I can ride an upright without undue discomfort for the ~45mins that my commute takes.

<thinks> Don't I seem to remember that you have an upright in your stable? :biggrin:

Anyway, it's always a recumbent for pleasure riding :biggrin:


Über Member
NickM said:
I'm another one...


NickM said:
But I use an upright for commuting.

WHAT?! Out-rageous! And a shocking violation, no, betrayal of the recumbent code: to practice recumbency at all times*, help to increase their ownership and thereby usher in a new world of cyclists covering longer distances in shorter times and in greater comfort. Really!

*Though that said, as I have been considering the acquisition of a trail MTB next year to go mountain-biking with some friends, I may just let you off! :smile:


Über Member
North London
peter_streetmachineGT said:
The questions I'd like to know are:

How many recumbenteers are there in London?
How many of these regularly commute to work on them?

I'm in Wood Green. Commute on upright, fun rides on my PDQ.

There are a few Londoners on the recumbent map at:

but probably quite a few who haven't put themselves on the map. Having said that, I can't remember how to edit my post...

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