it is. below is a picture of a fixed wheel hub. it has a thread that's clockwise for the sprocket to go on, and then a LH thread for the lockring. you can screw on a single speed freewheel and ignore the lockring.
it is. below is a picture of a fixed wheel hub. it has a thread that's clockwise for the sprocket to go on, and then a LH thread for the lockring. you can screw on a single speed freewheel and ignore the lockring.
Thanks - but could you put a multi speed freewheel on that hub? The hubs I remember were designed to take a multi speed freewheel on one side and a single fixed sprocket on the other and IIRC the wheel was dished accordingly.
There is another..the Affix Free/Fix hub solves the big problem with regular flip-flop fixed/singlespeed hubs. Instead of faffing around taking your wheel out to switch between fixed gear and freewheeling, all you need to do is simply push and turn the outer ring on the hub to engage or disengage the fixed option....the Affix Free/Fixed hub all yours for ~£170.....
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