User482 said:
Very true. Although I'd look forward to the satisfaction of sailing past all the cars on my MTB. I've noticed that the locals panic a lot at the sign of a snowflake - I remember getting up early, scraping the car, driving slowly to work, to be greeted by an empty office!
I didn't so much panic as saw it as an ideal opportunity to skive off work. "Sorry rear wheel drive, couldn't possibly make it into work today. They don't grit our road for a start, the car would never get up the hill".
Obviously neglected to say that if I put 3 bags of coal in the boot and reversed up slowly I'd be okay.
Only half heartedly snowed since getting the old banger, which goes quite well in the snow. Only problem is that since they don't grit the road, all the snow gets compacted and then freezes which makes the road a death trap. I think I'd have to cycle in if i snowed this time though, just for the novelty factor.