I had my first cigarette at 13 and my last at 47. I was never a heavy smoker, probably averaging 4 or 5 a day but i developed a cancerous tumour on the back of my tongue when i was 47.i noticed a slight sore throat that turned into a painful sore throat, then a secondary appeared in the glands in my neck. I had an 8 hour operation which cut my right pectoral muscle away and directed it to my neck to fill the hole left by the removed tumour. My jaw was also cut open so the surgeon could get to the cancer. When i came round my head was swollen to twice its size and my pectoral which i'd developed through decades of weight lifting was no more! I felt horrible, i couldn't look in a mirror for a week and the first time i looked at my reflection i felt like ending my life. My tongue was stitched to the bottom of my mouth to stop it from moving for a month and i was fed through a tube going through my nose as i couldn't eat. Psychologically i was in a mess, i couldn't go outside the house in case i had to talk to someone or someone would stare at my facial scars. A month after the operation i had 27 sessions of radiotherapy which burnt my neck to a cinder and 6 chemo' sessions which to be honest didn't affect me much apart from having a bit of sickness and tiredness. Eight years later i still feel the affects of that life saving operation and like others wish i'd never smoked. When i see youngsters with a cigarette in their mouths i want to stop them and show them my cut open chest and my scarred thinned down neck and tell them to quit before they end up like me.