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Not Me .


Legendary Member
Contact your GP surgery or local stop smoking service, NHS quit line I think it's called

There are also quite a few stop smoking threads around cycle chat if you search :smile:

Good luck


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I think it is the wrong question to ask. Even if nobody replied that were ex-smokers, it would not mean it was ok for you to carry on ...

As a matter of interest though, a cyclist friend smoked for over 40 years but then gave up. He always said that his cycling was not affected by the smoking, but changed his tune when he saw the improvements in his breathing which followed him quitting. (The thing that finally made him quit was getting so much gum disease from smoking that he had to have all his upper teeth pulled out! The bottom teeth will follow when he can afford thousands more pounds for another lot of implants.)

I smoked when I was young but gave up before getting back into cycling.


Legendary Member
Contact your GP surgery or local stop smoking service, NHS quit line I think it's called

Or just stop smoking. If you really want to you will - if you don't, all the couselling and quit-aids in the world won't help.


I started cycling at 13 and smoked lightly from 14 until 17, I had special shock treatment to help me pack up. By that I mean I found out my girlfriend who is now my wife of 41 years was pregnant, it suddenly meant there was not enough cash for my self indulgence. Regrets, not one.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
No time like the present. Chuck any remaining cigarettes away
From experience of watching my ex trying to give up - don't!

Chuck 'em that is ... She used to chuck her cigarettes in the bin but knowing that they were there used to prey on her mind. She would get up in the middle of the night, and go out and retrieve them for a 'last smoke'.

So then she started ripping them up and chucking what was left away. Still no good - she would retrieve the tobacco and use old Rizlas that her sister had left lying about to roll more 'last cigarettes'.

Finally, she realised that flushing unwanted cigarettes down the toilet was the answer.

But then she would crack and run down to the local supermarket to catch it before it closed ...

The definitive answer is to keep the cigarettes unsmoked until the shops are shut, and only then flush them away! :laugh:

(It worked in a small town like Hebden Bridge, but in a big city I suppose you would be able to find somewhere open 24/7 so you would have to rely on will power alone.)
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