Well done to everyone who quit.
I smoked for 34 years with just just one year I managed to stop.
I've done a lot of cycling in the last 10 years and I think that actually masked the effects as I felt fit!
I used to do a 50+ mile ride and get home and have a cigarette. Seems utterly mad now.
Not had a cigarette for over two months and using an e cig. The previous time I have up I used NRT and it was a nightmare but with this it's actually very easy and I'm cutting down the nicotine strength in that. Think I've cracked it.
No real increase in average speed yet but I don't spend the first few miles clearing my lungs.
My partner is thinking holiday with the money saved later in the year but I think she nees to know how much cycling has helped so she needs to support me by encouraging me to spend £ on another bike. Wish me luck
Yes, I think the E-cig was my saving grace too. I managed to smoke 20 a day while wearing the strongest patches available a few years ago as I found they did absolutely nothing for cravings.
I found I very quickly came to prefer the E-cig to normal fags. I alway remember being in the shop where I bought it sampling all the tobacco flavoured juices to try and find one that tasted like my preferred brand and the girl who was guiding me through it told me I'd be back in a few days to try something like the fruit flavours which actually taste nice because everyone realises very quickly that all tobaccos taste horrible. She was right