^@Welsh Dragon, yep very true. Its why the NHS teams get you to do a pre-quit questionairre to assess your readiness to quit before you start, a half hearted attempt is likely to fail, and repeatedly failing to quit can leave some smokers feeling they'll never be able to give up.
I gave up on the 14th October 2008, yes the quitters tend to remember the exact date as its such a big deal its etched in my memory. I smoked for over 20 years and my big motivator was 2 fold, firstly I'd got the point where I realised I smoked for more of my life that I had'nt, and secondly my mum asked me when I last did'nt have one and I honestly could'nt remember. I went total cold turkey, the first 2 months were hellish but gradually the cravings get less an now I know I'll never go back to them. Its funny I was still dreaming I was a smoker for about 2 years after I quit which shows the power they have over you. Now I'm totallly ciggy free when I'm awake or asleep
This time of year I'm always reminded of the benefits of quitting as every January I'd pretty much have bronchitis after overdoing at chrimbo and would wheeze through the remaining winter months. Good luck all potential quitters, you won't regret it. Its a bit sad really but quitting is one of the things in my life I'm most proud of doing. Its a bit like the old saying 'how do you know if someones given up smoking?' ...'they'll bloody tell you about it of course....over and over and over again.
hehe and I too used to smoke my way around all the MTB trail centres in Wales rewarding myself with a fag when i got to the top of the big hills