Ok, back home now. I didn't ride back

I spent the day chainsawing and splitting logs and was a bit knackered.
The ride was fantastic

The built up areas at the start were very interesting to ride through at that time of night, no trouble at all but plenty of funny looks and one wolf whistle.
The unlit roads - of which there were plenty - were wonderful with my Ay-Ups. There were plenty of surprised sheep, rabbits and owls for company.
I also had Goo Mason for company as I listened to a couple of his Podcasts along the way - cheers Goo
I stopped at the top of the Trough for my jam butties and took this photo at 3 am of the plaques:-
It was very dark! and very wonderful to be out in the middle of nowhere by myself. I saw just one car in about 2 1/2 hours.
I took a spin round lancaster and went to see if the lights were on the bridge, sadly not but it still looked gorgeous. A tripod was needed though as these photo's don't do it justice. The night was so still it didn't ruffle the water at all (or give me an inkling of a headwind at any point).
I got rid of Goo and put the I-pod on random and danced with my shadow along the cyclepath into Morecambe

There had been plenty of no-handed dancing in the dark along the way
The sun came up on a beautiful day when I got to M/C:-
This is the smartest hotel in town, very nice to see it brought back to life after being at risk of disappearing:-
This is the view from the terrace of the smartest hotel in town

It maybe needs some work. There used to be a dolphin kept on here

(Freddy I think he was called).
I bumped into this chap:-
Time for a another quick photo of the beautiful morning:-
Then it was off to surprise my folks, I knew they were up early so got there for half 6. They were pleasantly surprised to say the least. I was lucky that they had stocked up for other friends of theirs and I was able to demolish a pack of bacon and a loaf of bread - no kippers though.
The rest of the day was a bit of a blur between snoozing and eating before I came awake for my tea and a couple of beers.
Great ride, one of the best this year and I'm now thinking of finding a route to the east coast for next year