goo_mason said:I used to watch in awe as roadies tackled the steep and twisting route up to Vrsic from Kranjska Gora. I had enough trouble walking up it !!
I really miss not having been there for 5 years. It's like a lifetime away. The minute I ever get any money together again it'll be the first place I go to.
terry huckle said:Blueberries steeped in scnapps.
goo_mason said:Borovnica - ahhhh, the blueberry schnapps. Last time I was there it was still legal for locals to distill their own, but once they joined the EU that was going to be outlawed. Shame. One of the hotels I stayed in made their own - and you got a glass full of blueberries in an alcohol base. It was incredible !!
I didn't get any really hilly shots, but there are some snaps of my last holiday in Slovenia here, for anyone who wants to see what the place is like.
goo_mason said:Dober dan ! - Hello / good day
Dober vecer ! Good evening !
Lahko noc - night !
Kolik stane ? - How much ?
Ena malo toceno, prosim ! - a small draft beer, please.
Dve mali pive - two small beers
Pivo - beer
Crno vino - red wine
prt - tablecloth
vrt - garden
grt - hedgehog
Kako ste ? - How are you ?
Adio ! - cheerio
Uncle Phil said:Hang on a minute.