Cycle tyres can aquaplane, just at speeds which are unobtainable without using some sort of aero suit and going down a mountain.
just to clarify for others reading, 3 is correct for bicycle tyres but not for tyres used on other vehicles such as cars.
Why post a deliberately confusing post? Speed required at 100 psi is over 100mph :
The ultimate recorded max is 208 mph "
Riding on a rolling road after being towed to 100 mph, on a custom made £1,000,000 bicycle" - no standing water there then!
the down hill record is 138mph "]
Downhill on snow, on a prototype bicycle" - no standing water there either!
The flat surface, unpaced record speed is 83mph and the down hill - there could be standing water there, but, hey, the speed is not hight enough
To all intents and purposes a cycle tyre does not aquaplane